I think the main retweeters will be people who are basically saying “I was right”. When shillary is revealed to be a shape shifting lesbian lizard I’m going to retweet the shit out of that tweet. #bengagagazi
Too right, I’ve never even “logged on” to the internet. It’s all powered by electricity which incidentally has killed many people.It’s just too dangerous and scary
There is a huge nazi/Harry Potter crossover thing going on. Google “Hermione Goering” cosplay for further proof.
TLDR but how long until I can buy a sexy robot to suck me off?
Toner? From the printer? Wtf
As a rugged explorer type action man the real problem with strong winds is not walking against them but walking with them. Makes you think huh?
So yesterday a team won without playing and today a team that lost, wins? WTF deadspin! Why don’t you stop reporting on commie euro soccer ball and get back to good old American sports, we haven’t had an NFL rape story for at least 12 hrs surely there must be another one soon.
Those two are definitely fucking. Why can’t anyone else see this?
America, as a whole, spends more on cooling than heating. YOUR POINT STANDS!
Actually last year I had the sniffles and shrunk wrapped an onion to each foot before bed every night. Less than two weeks later the sniffles were gone.
Collage college
Surprised goatse isn’t listed. If you aren’t aware of goatse, then google it. (DONT GOOGLE IT!)
Factorio, it may be only March but I think it’ll be my GOTY. Haven’t seen it on kotaku yet which is strange.
Seriously? How am I supposed to get outraged now.....ugh.
Imagine he’ll have a few drinks to celebrate tonight, not too many though as I’m sure he doesn’t want to get legless.
His predictions of robot policemen and robot cashiers have eerily come true. The invention of traffic lights and ATMs must’ve seemed crazy to people back then but this modern day Nostredamus nailed it.
Yeast mode