
I understand dog is an easy target but it will still be pretty awesome if he does catch him. And yeah it does seem like a stunt but but he is like, a bounty hunter. Like a real one. For thirty years. Who has a contract with cmt to film his escapades.

I'm going to take some heat for saying this: But I think Laverne Cox handled this whole issue much better than Janet Mock did...

Apparently you haven't caught on that trolls are old hat and their shock value is long gone. You are just being sad and tiresome.

Timestamp shit, I'm not looking up my HBOGo password just to appease a troll. It was a real episode- The scenes involved Theon Groejoy and an ugly prostitute, prostitutes from a whore house, and Rob Stark and his bride to be, so it was just before the red Wedding. And it totally happened.

Yeah, I think they even a line in there suggesting the only reason shes' a good officer is because shes' a lesbian. And coincidentally looks great bra-less in a wife beater.

I think her point is the rape and sex scenes are a tad gratuitous. I've watched episodes of GoT where they cut from one sex scene, to another couple having sex, and then to another sex scene, and then to a rape scene all in under ten minutes- like four different scenes all sexually oriented and nothing else going on..

is Scout Willis the new Peaches Geldof?

If your feelings are being bruised because of what strange women are saying not relevance to yourself, all I can really say is grow a thicker skin. Putrid hateful comments are everywhere on the internet, not just #YesAllwomen. I've actually only recently become aware of #YesAllWomen so I can't really say if its' as

After I posted that I did think to myself "Of course men get bullied and targeted by other men." But I wasn't referring to being bullied by men. Of course guys take the brunt of male bullies, women get targeted by them too. But there are many, many things you don't experience- you don't get cat called, harassed,

Yeah my cousin got married at 20, and surprisingly has been more stable. I should say that his negative feelings were entirely directed at himself. He did not blame others or display a hatred for women. But he still felt like his self worth hinged on having someone love him, and being in that "proctector/provider"

I just feel that if you or any man really understood, you wouldn't roll your eyes at any discussion of misogyny or turn into hardened, mean MRAs just because some feminist said something you didn't like. I mean, either you get it or you don't. If you really went from feminist supporter to hateful internet douche bag

I would post a gif of someone applauding you, but considering how glitchy kinja has been lately, I will just say "well put"

What would you have them do then? Put up a "not all men" disclaimer every single time they say anything? Most feminists feel the way they do because they feel victimized, and have experienced sexual or physical danger. If they seem angry or unbalanced they are probably just trying to get some their power back. Why

I'm white and I would never have the attitude that "I'm not racist, therefore all black people should show me respect." NO THEY DO NOT. I am totally cool if they do not like me because I'm white. I get it. Guys like you think feminists should not express themselves and show respect to the male gender in general

Yeah, but I'm sure many of those women are ACTUAL victims. Not "I don't get laid so I'm a victim and am going to go out and shoot a bunch of people." Kind of a big difference, don't you think?

Yeah, really do the numbers matter that much when at least one of them is willing to go out and kill people?

Its' not that they feel we are lumping them into one category, it's that a lot of them have this uncontrollable urge to tell us that they They Are Different. Its' shows a very masculine mentality to assert your self importance, and make a general discussion all about you. And furthermore, who ever said that feminists

Wow, thats' an awesome point. Even really good men often dismiss any conversation about misogyny. They haven't experienced it for themselves and probably haven't experienced being sexually or physically threatened by a man...

I have a cousin who also started flirting with gay guys because he couldn't get a girlfriend. He wasn't gay, and later admitted he wasn't gay (after he finally found a girlfriend) He was just that kind of guy who desperately needed to be attached to someone. He was in a very, very bad place before he met his