Coulda been worse. I clicked on the video assuming he said something deplorable in favor of the verdict. PROGRESS!
Coulda been worse. I clicked on the video assuming he said something deplorable in favor of the verdict. PROGRESS!
Okay. So it's funny now, but at the time it was infuriating.
I understand dog is an easy target but it will still be pretty awesome if he does catch him. And yeah it does seem like a stunt but but he is like, a bounty hunter. Like a real one. For thirty years. Who has a contract with cmt to film his escapades.
I met them both years ago at Space Camp when they brought their kids to camp. They both came themselves to check them in which kind of surprised me. They were the only celebrity parents (in my years there at least) who personally dropped off their kids and came to pick them up and attended the graduation as well. …
Books. In print. Long time. Ship sailed.
My problem with the show is what they choose to show us. Two weeks ago, Khaleesi and the bearded dude finally hook up. He's hot. She's hot. I wanted to see some action. I'd been wanting to see it since last season. It was consensual sex, and how much did they show us? Not a damn thing. But if a woman is being…
It's not glamourized, it's just performed by the most beautiful people possible in faux-grimy sets with strangely erotic dark lighting, with women that are frequently half into it...JUST LIKE REAL LIFE!
I had to stop reading to say that The Wire was OBVIOUSLY the best TV show ever of all time, and a work of art, but hell no that show was not good to women! I can only think of two nuanced female characters they introduced after Season 1: Snoop and that one lady reporter from Season 5 whose name I can't remember. And Th…
Basically, I was relying on other people to validate my existence - probably exacerbated by my father's utter lack of interest in his 'boring kids' - And I think this is a pervasive problem in that age range. I was in my mid-40s when I realized only I could validate myself. I wish this was something we taught in high…
Yup, 100%. Some people are just broken. Can you imagine being a therapist and listening to that little prick spout off this hate week after week?
Then you don't understand it at all.
You think a group of women discussing their personal experiences of male violence means they hate men as a group? You're projecting.
Of course male rape is a thing.
"Misandry" is not.
Oh for crying out loud, misandry is about as relevant as white oppression. My spell-check has a red line under it because IT'S NOT EVEN A THING.
You think women don't also get told they're not attractive ALL the time? So instead of just finding a girl who likes what you look like, you're going to harass a gay guy? WTF?
what they want isn't "most women", though. They feel entitled to the size 4, white, rich, blonde sorority girl (80% of this or more is about looking good to other men!) and see the women they could actually get as "beneath them".... while the women they want, are so far out of their league that they're in orbit. If…
You know what really makes me angry about this? It isn't that these guys are idolizing a killer—there's plenty of sick fucks why idolize murderers of all stripes—its that women STILL can't get the "good" men to believe that hateful misogyny actually exists. They can go and SEE it, and still all I hear is, "Well, he…
It's one thing to SUPPOSE there are people who think That Asshole (won't use his name) is a hero for his murders. It's HORRIFYING to read their praise and their tiny-minded ranting. Ick. They REALLY BELIEVE that 16 year old 'fit' female virgins are the highest attainable goal. O RLY? And that taking her by force is…
Kinda-update: I went to check the room again this morning, and it's now password-protected.