Listen, I don’t give one shit what the officer who discharged her weapon is entitled to.
Listen, I don’t give one shit what the officer who discharged her weapon is entitled to.
Meanwhile, over at CD Projekt:
are you under the impression that Hollywood action isn’t a vehicle for US military propaganda....?
Have they considered changing their name to “Four Seasons Pizza?”
What you don’t eat is those nacho cheese doritos or anything else that leaves its dust on your fingers.
I’ll never understand how Cheetos somehow became associated with gaming. Cheetos are one of the worst gaming snacks. The last thing you want to do is get your fingers covered in radioactive orange 45 Cheeto dust and then grab a video game control.
Legion is good! It’s a step down from the genuinely excellent WD2, but a massive step up from how god-awful WD1 was. I didn’t finish it, ran into a bug where my main operative got kidnapped and the mission to go rescue her never popped, which really bummed me out so I bailed, but I put a good 50ish hours into it and…
Tinny Tim is over 70% more efficient than a human disabled street waif.
And this is why guys who get all squirmy and scared whenever the topic of #MeToo comes up should always be suspect.
Thomas Middleditch is what you’d get if you asked someone to draw a caricature of a white man running a pick-up artist seminar at a gaming convention.
The Rugrats themselves are unsettling enough
This guy sounds like a Grade-A creep! He sexually assaults multiple women, many of whom were minors, and he says HE’S the one who’s been bullied?!
It’s nice to see a woman of color as the main protagonist!
Memphis is wonderful this time of year.
This was actually a joke on IT Crowd
So now we can all be as lucky as Bort.
Maker be praised