Katamari cosplay
Katamari cosplay
That means Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest son-of-a-bitch in space!
Maybe he got shot at because of his shitty driving because he was eating a taco and trying to drive at the same time.
Why is the onus to prevent shit never on the people who are (presumably) trained to de-escalate?
“Could easily have been prevented” by them not being racist assholes.
Boomers hating this new ‘Boomers thing’ after shit talking Millennials for the last decade and a half is actually peak Boomer.
Needs The Boot as a Pokemon.
I like the much longer shelf life. I can buy a 1/2 gallon without worrying if it will turn.
I’ve threatened death and breakups on anyone telling the server it was my birthday. Having a scene made about me in public is pretty much the last thing my introverted ass wants to happen.
Eddington approves.
Man, imagine going to bat this hard for the “pro-misogyny” cause. That’s an odd flex, buddy. And with a little touch of corporate bootlicking right at the end? *chef’s kiss*
This is pretty much exactly what I wanted to read about Sword and Shield.
Those aren’t friends, dude. I say this with the best of intentions- find some nicer people to hang out with. Friends don’t do that.
That’s....awful... (- _ -)
Shutting down the only dedicated politics website in your portfolio right before the 2020 election, one of the most consequential of our lifetime, kicks into high gear. Essentially shutting down the second-most highly trafficked website in your portfolio because one out of every twenty five posts rankles you. I’m not…
Follow up study on the health benefits of onion rings.
Yeah...that’s not even remotely true. It’s not an ageist slur. Boomer is a stand-in for ideological entrenchment. No one cares even remotely whether you’re 20 or 200. Boomer mentality is simply about being as wilfully myopic as humanly possible in regards to how your personal greed and insatiable desire to protect…
Gluey to you, smooth and silky to me. We’ll agree to disagree.
Onlookers can be heard yelling “Damn!” and “You’re fucking your shit up!” as they watch in disbelief at the lengths this woman went to stave off her hunger pains.
Boomers deserve every bit of ridicule that can be thrown at them.