
Artificial banana flavoring is repulsive.

It was probably a pre-arranged signal, but President Dementia forgot what it was supposed to mean.

What a fucking putz

Finally! The horrible canvas shortage of 2018 is over!

I’m definitely hoping for more “Gangsters” depth and less “Omerta” surface level gameplay.

I think it gets complicated by the company’s context of botching so much of social media and some of the rumblings from the show floor about how this latest demo was handling race. That’s a problem with the genre as a whole, but it doesn’t sound like 2077 is approaching that sort of thing with the greatest sense of

“For thee, but not for me” has ever been the mantra of those who claim to “tell it like it is.”

Woah woah, what “important connections” does he have?

You quite literally engaged in a red herring—a pathos-based distraction from the main line of an argument or conversation that at first glance appears to be related to the subject at hand (here: “well, women who stream are like Dr. Disrespect because Dr. Disrespect is a streamer, but let’s not talk about this thing he

“But, but what about the women showing cleavage?!”

Found the incel.

The subject at hand is not women who stream—in whatever form of dress they choose to stream. It is a particular behavior on the part of the individual responsible for the “Dr. Disrespect” character.

A behavior which, it should be noted, is not isolated.

I see now it's women's fault he's an asshole

Yeah, i agree w/this. Take nothing for granted. What a different country we would hvae if the President was elected via the popular vote and not the electoral college. 

Just as a word of warning, Wisconsin also hadn’t voted Republican since ‘84, until the last election, and is barely 1% whiter than Oregon...

PC users are being asked to use a different launcher, not different hardware. Everyone who could run the game before can run it now, they’re just being asked to click here instead of there. Forgive me if I can't seem to muster the energy to feel any way about that, other than to shrug.

It’s not like a backer was promised Shenmue III and is being mailed a turd in a bag. They’re getting Shenmue III. I just don’t see the storefront through which it’s delivered as a material change worth crying over. 

This will be fine, because Steam users are reasonable folk who understand the nuances of Indie game development and the cutthroat market developers must compete in. They realize that to ultimately achieve solvency and go on to create a new game beyond Shenmue 3, that the developers must make hard decisions that may

Except the XboxOne had plenty of games.  Sorry, but I just hate how so many people clamor for exclusives.