
Because it’s what many, many Americans do all goddamned day (five seconds spent on Twitter, Instagram, or any other “LOOK AT ME” form of social media will confirm this), and they think having a President that is just like them is a good thing.

I’ve said it many times before this: I do not want the President to be just

Yup. Makin’ ‘Merica Hate(ful) Again.

...that expansion came from the moon!

by telling the guy arguing “we cannot improve healthcare for all americans, in a way every other first world country already has, because that might negatively impact my vast wealth” to fuck off, op

So...that’s sounds....neat, on a technical level...but not particularly conducive to good character work or compelling storytelling.

Watch Dogs 2 is really, really good...I think I’d just like more of that in a different setting.

Ain’t that some shit though, black people are the only ones expected to be calm and non-reactive when an armed thug and his gang buddies have you surrounded and are screaming in your face.

We’re very progressive when it comes to rejecting established gender roles.

I bet there are women out there who meet his requirements. But I’m also 100% sure that they could date men much less condescending than this guy.

#1 is one forum visit away from incelhood. i had to go clean my glasses after multiple facepalms reading that shit.

Heathen (Norse religion)

Who doesn’t love a good “Look at this fucking guy” letter?

Can’t see why letter writer No.1 is so alone with such charming views as “everyone else is beneath me” and “I’m not shallow, oh but they must be all these physical attributes”.

Oh fuck her and her “It’s been so hard because mean old Trump keeps disrespecting my dead father” crocodile tears bullshit.

Its why we keep sliding down when compared to other countries.

First: college students. So adults, not children.

Second: You first accused me of fear-mongering because you believed I had linked tornadic frequency and severity to climate change, when I did the exact opposite.

Third: Stopping human acceleration of climate change would help give us breathing room to prepare for

You need to fuck right off. And I hope you don’t have children or grandchildren, because your Neville Chamberlain-ing is doing them less than no good.

Bad faith inquiry is in bad faith. We know the climate has changed many times over the course of the planet’s history—it is human contributions to (and acceleration of) that change that is the key concern in discussions surrounding climate change.

Okay, the avocado is a bridge too far. Hard pass. 

Ha! A good buddy of mine lives in Santa Clarita, and as gorgeous as that part of the country is, you’re absolutely right: if it’s not shaking itself apart, it’s on fire—or being drowned in mudslides.

Between that, the traffic, and having to live on top of fifteen of my neighbors just to get space anywhere near LA, I’m

That would be funny if there weren’t so much truth in the statement.