Fester's Quest

“Tonight Is What It Means To Be Young” is so tremendously feverish I can’t believe it exists. The key changes! So many key changes! I love it so, so much.

Carpenter talks about the genesis of his love for games

FYI, I saw what you did up there with risible/visible, and I’ve already called the police.

Hey actually fuck off with this hot take, bud

Then you're my fact-checking cuz!

Counterpoint: just say "Blunch" out loud. It's worse.

Yes yes yes I need more Spencer Krug in my life, always.

I'm pretty sure the intent of the video was to point out Trump's delirious overuse of the phrase "billions and billions", not some weird syllable complaint about the word itself.

Man, if you offended someone that was namedropped in CLASSIC Bugs Bunny cartoons, maybe you should either reflect on your statements or update your references.

> The newly remixed versions of its tracks are incredible (holy shit, the drum fills on “Good Morning”)

Barr Hill's Tom Cat barrel-aged gin is a thing of beauty.

Maybe they actually meant to write about The Last Airbender instead, which is definitely the worst movie I've seen in theaters as an adult. (Rob Schneider's The Animal is worst all-time)

The Apple doesn't even need riffs, you can watch it completely unedited and just gape in absolute amazement all the way through. It's a fucking blast.

The soundtrack to Wave Race 64. I'm serious. Just TRY not to get a little pumped when you hear that opening riff.

Excited for her new stuff; P.S. Eliot's last record Introverted Romance in Our Troubled Minds was a dynamite little album.

You could make an argument that the criminally underrated (IMHO) Shoot 'Em Up is the closest thing we have to a Hollywood movie with Hard Boiled as a primary influence. But its other major influence is Tex Avery, so who knows.

Dang it, I just bought Van Occupanther on vinyl earlier this summer!

Hill Farmstead's dizzying array of saisons deserves a shoutout. I just wish they weren't so hard to come by!

Ends up that the kid had glass bones, and he had broken 17 bones in his body. He couldn’t go up a staircase without breaking a bone.

Welp, guess I gotta listen to that Retronauts episode!