
I don't even like them on JGL

Hear, hear. They just want to punish anyone who strays from this ridiculous fantasy.

Love seeing you on the main page, and about time! Your articles are so insightful and wonderful. Congrats!

I think there's a fundamental difference in how we see the industry. To you, the industry is fair. Guys like this are very rare outliers and will definitely get punished if their behavior is brought to light. In this context, there is no reason for her to not speak up or push back against him.

Yeah, I've always thought negging sounded like normal flirting, but with a completely fucked up reason behind it.

I love this image and I love that you are posting it in these discussions.

It's not just the women. Until women don't face harsh repercussions for speaking up (seriously, it's like being a whistleblower) from other employers or their coworkers, we're not going to come forward.

Why would you ever think making sexual advances is okay in a professional context?

People will immediately start blaming her for this (seriously, read the comments here, it's already happening), so in that sense she does have to justify herself.

"As a woman in game development, I have only so much political capital to spend before I get dismissed as a chick, [as] crazy, hysterical, shrill, stupid, not a real woman, not a real gamer,"

2. drinking a beer while casually slow dancing with you

Okay, you have a point that some requests are beyond normal and don't necessarily need to be followed.

Oh sure, I'm not denying that. But whether or not the letter writer is a prude isn't the main point. Even prudes get to set boundaries that their friends should respect.

A-fucking-mazing. I'm making a note of this and I might try it. Fuck yeah that it's working out so well for you!

It's not about prudery, it's about boundaries. You don't like it and it hurts your feelings when your friend does X. If they keep doing X after you ask them to stop, that's an issue. Doesn't matter how normal X seems to other people, if it bothers you then that's important.

Whoa, have to ask now. When someone asks you for nude pics, do you assume that they are now the property of the asker, and that they might be shown to the asker's friends? I always assume that they're for one person's eyes only, but I hear a lot of people online say otherwise?

Kudos to you for realizing that you fall into these patterns. I don't think you need to beat yourself up over it though, especially if the girl accepted your apologies. Just try not to do it in the future, you know?

I feel like casting the husband as black is part of why you're ("you" being the assumed straight white audience) supposed to root for the sign-holding dude.

Yeah, the skirt is shockingly stunning. I'd feel like such a bad ass femme fatale in this outfit.

I'm really good at dating. I've really enjoyed all my first dates through OkCupid. I would definitely do this if dating was all that was required.