
Yeah. I used to get really hurt by the things she said and how nothing I did was worth anything to her, but I learned to emotionally hold her at arm's length. Do you ever worry that you'll turn out the same way? I used to, but I think that I have enough foreknowledge to avoid it.

Yes yes yes. I recognize my own mother in this and I think a lot of children whose mothers dropped everything for their kids can too. My mom is also incredibly bitter at my sister and me for growing up and getting our own lives. She also thinks fondly back to when we were little kids and depended on her for

Aw, James Deen continues to be the best.

I missed this, what a great point. Don's an even bigger ass than I thought!

That actually makes perfect sense that overweight men would project issues about their own bodies onto women. It's really common for people to be harsh on others for things they don't like about themselves.

Awwww yeah, get it girl!

I LOVE this. More than that, I love that men and adoptive parents are given more leave as well.

Yeah, conversation seemed hella awkward on both sides.

I love this. I've been coming to the same realization recently, that making friends is surprisingly like dating or work interviews. Similarly, you need to put effort into your friendships. It's ridiculous that I never realized this before, but I think this article nails it when it talks about the conveyor belt of

I'm going to start telling baristas my name is "Vagina" just so I can drink coffee out of a cup labelled like this.

How the hell is this sexism? What's your point?

Well, on kinja we're all authors now, right? Let me go find some wine tonight and I just might indulge you. Sit back and wait for that erotic Gawker slash fiction you did ask for!

We say "pre-funk" too, but I think it's like, "pre-function"

Ha, at first I thought you were talking about people who ship Io9 and Jezebel, and I was like "Yeah... yeah, I could see the two as lesbian lovers, what with all the unresolved sexual tension, trading smoldering glances over the oblivious dudebros that are Jalopnik and Deadspin, or the nerdy heterosexual trio of

Fuck. Yeah!

First of all, we have to start using the correct terminology.

My first time was when my dad complained about women who had them and called it gross. :<

What the hell? This is going way too far just because you don't like how an author writes.

You should be. It's vile shit. How do I know? There's a reddit subforum dedicated to this. It's scary, so I won't link it.

Hahaha, now that I've had a desperate hickey story, I feel like I can laugh at your story without being a jerk.