
Everything you need to know about Kris Jenner is that she apparently has no problem with her teenage daughter dating this low-life.

I recently saw a video of Tyga being a total ass clown on some MTV rap game show back in the day and just thought, “he seems like the kinda dude who would date a 17 year old when he’s 25 and brag about it.”

He also lost his quarterback at Wounded Knee.

Ban all guns. Make them illegal to posses. Getting caught with one is an automatic jail sentence. This nonsense has gone on for too long. This amendment was authored by people who were okay with slavery. It does not, and should not, translate to 2015 America

The hunt for red October. Your man card has been revoked.

Steelers fans say “pop” instead of “soda,” wipe their butts standing up, and marry their cousins.

As a Lions fan it’s our biggest win of the year!

And just like that, Grant displaced his cousin Leroy as the least helpful Jenkins in history.

That was a different FSU player. QB, De’Andre Johnson. It is difficult to keep up with all the FSU player arrests.

I’ll do you a solid.

Damn, I don’t even know anyone who’s a Bengals fan that I can rub this in the face of.

The Raven who threw the punch will be cut on Monday. Not for punching someone, but for not doing it in an elevator as team policy dictates.

Wow, interesting, most Ravens would have used a knife.

Whoa. People in Buffalo are so jaded, they hate their own moms.

I was at the Kevin Everett game, sitting in the end zone with my ex-wife who is a Broncos fan. The Everett injury was probably only the fourth strangest thing to happen at that game that included:

The last time I saw that many personlized handshakes Michael J. Fox was sending out Christmas cards.

Tough but fair.

Congrats on releasing another book, Drew!