
Fuck this dude. He sounds like an annoying asshole.

Now playing

That Bob Mould song breaks only serves as a sad reminder that no matter how good His solo stuff is, We’ll never have anything as good as Husker Du.

If you don’t understand tennis, remember these simple rules:

Sure. Eliminate conferences. There is no East. There is no West. No Up. No Down. Just circles of friends holding hands and putting snipped flowers into the barrels of rifles. Am I an Irish boy from Chicago or am I a being of pure energy born in the sun and to the sun returning, a circle unbroken and timeless? There

I'd like to see Drew write a "Why your life sucks" about this guy.

“Don't get thrown out of bars for barfing on the floor. Get rid of that old cable and get DirecTV, and we'll throw in the NFL Sunday Ticket for free and you can stay home and barf on your dog."

I want to see Sherman and Wilson spend a day together. Some kind of reality show.

Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams. It’s impossible because the beams were coated in nano-bubbles.

I flew to Seattle for my first ever Seahawks game. I got way too drunk and fell down on the rain-slicked metal bleachers. I then went to the bar closest to the stadium, got thrown out for standing on the table and shouting, and barfed on the floor on my way out. Then I went to the bar second-closest to the stadium

I’m a Niners fan (thank you for your condolences) and I hate most of Seattle and their fans but I will not stand by for any bashing of Lynch. He’s forever the best. If not for his amazing playing abilities and his hatred of the media than for this.

#81 is a Linebacker and #12 is a Tight End but they were both lined up as Safeties for that play.

You add a Point Blank! to emphaticallt punctuate that.comment.

“We train our players to take on the mentality of lions on the hunt. It’s just unfortunate that the official was dressed like a zebra.”

Finger pointing? How is any finger pointing going at anyone except the two players and, maybe, their coaches?

Poor soldier, having to attend a Rams game. Hasn’t he sacrificed enough?

...local celebrities in Buffalo