
God I feel like I'm cheating on Jamie from Outlander's butt right now

Your doing the Lord's work, Sister Crosley. Well done.

I find that being a good listener draws these people like a magnet. They don't want to be around other people who talk about themselves - they seek out thoughtful people with good manners who listen because they know that's their best chance of being able to dominate the conversation.

I wonder if this is an extension of the friend who, after you tell them all about something that is upsetting/bothering you, they respond "I'm sorry" or "yea...." and move on to a story about themselves.

Are you me, perhaps? I attract these people too. I spend a lot of time drawing people out, waiting til I feel like we've built up a relationship, then finally opening up a bit, only to find out that they would rather cut in with "Well, when I..." and I'm like, but we already talked about you remember? Me now. You ask

Also known as The Interviewee. In other words, the only way to sustain a conversation with them is by acting like Jimmy Fallon. "So, I hear you have a new project!" "Wow, that's amazing!" "HA HA HA HA HA!"

Yup - I came to the realization that these were most of my friends. I partly blame myself because I'm a good listener and it takes me a while to trust people enough to tell them shit about myself that makes me look vulnerable. I attracted these kinds of people, essentially. Then when it came time to unload my thoughts

Oh God, the Non-Question Asking Friends are the worst. And I've never met one who was simply caught up in the wildly fascinating and busy life they had going on. They are, to a person, tedious and uninteresting.

1. I'm not collectively referring to men as males. I'm using "Male" only to mean as opposed to "Female"

Hearing that depressed me so much. We need to start teaching civics in schools so that people are informed enough to be responsible members of a jury.

It was ... pretty racist. His theory was Adnan's mom "honor killed" Hae. I said, "What on earth would lead you to that other than your attitudes about pakistani people?"

This is really the key thing: it's not that he's innocent. It's that he's not guilty of the charges based on the evidence given. HUGE difference if you give a damn about the basic philosophies of our fundamental legal rights.

I have no idea if Adnan did this or not, but there's NO way he should have been convicted on the evidence presented. Reasonable doubt out the yang!

Yeah, this bit really didn't sit well with me. It's true that Laverne saying this stuff takes the edge off it considerable, but it was still probably written by someone who is not trans (as far as I'm aware, Conan has no trans people on his writing staff). And I was surprised at how regressive (and unfunny) those

The Bruce Jenner joke got an eyebrow raise from me.

she rules. I'm so bummed they reduced her role in season 2.

Need more Laverne Cox. Less a bunch of other things that don't involve Laverne Cox.

I have acne inversa / hydradentitis suppurativa. Whatever you want to call it, I get massive painful zits in my pits whenever I shave or use deodorant. A few months ago I stopped doing either. My pits are much clearer and less painful now. They've got this soft wispy hair that I actually kind of like. I use baking

I don't have a fetish, but I kinda like men's pit hair. Nice to the touch, like chest hair. Like petting a kitten.

You're my hero. Also haven't shaved in a while, don't care :D