
Pornography: I'll know it when I see it.

All that head-touching, and then down at the nape of the neck while he's gathering up the last few strands of hair...holy moly. I would lose. my. mind.

Rapists do not want to fuck. They want to rape.

Any time someone says He wouldn't need to rape about a rapist my skin just about crawls off my body. Who does need to rape, kind apologist? Can I see the list of people for whom rape is necessary?


RHONY is the best. Hands down. Also, I believe that if Jessa from Girls were a real person, she'd be Sonja Morgan in 20 years.


Anyone else wondering if the horse owner & the puppy owner get together? Because that is where I thought this commercial was going...

Dude, Jennifer Lawrence is great. She's an amazing actress and has a wonderful personality. Lupita should be getting more roles, I absolutely agree - but we don't have to take down one great woman to bring up another.

How in the world is Matthew McConnoghy's subtle not subtle racism in his acceptance speech being continually ignored? I though for sure that Jezebel would be reporting on it! Mr. Redford, Mr. Hanks...beat...*rapid dismissive mumble* Chiwetel, Idris *moving on dismissiveness* - that was so disrespectful. So fucking

I live in the Deep South. I don't care much for Duck Dynasty. I suppose I get the appeal of the show for Northerners, but it's such a cheap stereotype of our culture. No one outside of the South ever gets to see the progressive parts of the South (the music, culture, cuisine, history, etc). because it doesn't fit a

Oh, high school friend, I too am sick of people's rights being taken away, but I think we're talking about different people.

The only thing more fun than a "Sleepunder" is an"Unmovie Night" where its actually daytime and instead of watching movies everybody has to help clean the garage.

Word. I grew up in a healthy house so whenever anyone asked if I wanted to spend the night, I said "Sure. What kind of cereal do you have?"

I imagine an older woman, in a power suit, drinking gin at 11 am and saying "What we NEED is a gotdamn Lizzie Borden movie! What is that little Wednesday Addams up to these days? I need ice...."

It's nice to see people being made happy at Christmas, but I'd have liked to see what they'd have done about my wish list. It currently includes: a job, the financial and mental stability to move out of my mother's house, and a brief hiatus in the publishing industry so that I can read the hundreds of books I've been


This allows for a particularly nasty game of chicken, where a lazy person sits back and waits for their partner to give in and do all the cleaning. Sorry. Nope. Not a way that people who are worth staying in a relationship with behave. Pick your own chores that you'll actually do and make sure they're a fair share.