
Sweeeet justice.

I think this discussion has broadened to include such things. Gaslighting is about making women/ other marginalized groups feel like they're crazy for anything they take issue with. The range goes from reproductive rights all the way to tasteless Oscar hosts.

Wow, this is a hilarious response.

Love a good RHOBH sighting. Good catch.

Yes - and spellcheck doesn't catch it, so it gets by way more often than definately does.

I do very much think that someone should be held responsible for being him/herself. Isn't that the point of ... life? (In your example, I/we would still would blame the pyromaniac.)

"I'm not a feminist by choice, I'm a feminist because this is the world."

Homeboy needs to CUT HIS NAILS on his ring and pinky fingers. And not 'cause he's a dude. But because ew.

I had no idea there even was a negative reaction to her, at all, until last night. I guess I'm glad I've been under a rock recently. She's wonderful, and I'm shocked that anyone would say bad things about such a lovely and talented child. She's still only SINGLE DIGITS, for goodness sake.

Yes! I love that they showed a Rottie. People have such irrational fears of them, but ours is by far the sweetest, most loving dog we've ever had.

Foremothers ... definitely a word.

oh god. how would you feel as that young woman working the front desk at that place!? the job market CANNOT be that bad. terrifying.


Oh God, this explanation sounds right. I read this article last night before bed (good move) and it was literally the FIRST thing on my mind this morning.

This is a really good point. We all think we'd handle it perfectly, but you never know how you'd react until you're in a similar situation.

I agree. Watching it a second time, it's clear to me that she's just trying to get the hell out of there. Every movement seems to be in fear - when she tries to hide in the corner of the elevator, and later desperately punches buttons to see if one will work and remove her from the danger on that floor. So creepy,

Yeah, this really does not help my irrational fear of elevators.

Correct! This was an excellent review after my day studying ConLaw for the Bar next week. :)

I understand where you're coming from, and think it's up to everyone to decide her own comfort level.

I really, really hope Kim K isn't going for Frida in that picture. It hurts in so many ways.