Like the Mink camper made in Iceland? Or the Hero made in Denmark?
Like the Mink camper made in Iceland? Or the Hero made in Denmark?
In Living Color- Heavy D doesn’t even get a mention.
You were so preoccupied with whether or not you could, you didn’t stop to think if you should.
She lists one of her degrees as an associates’ degree from Michigan. Problem with that is that they don’t award 2 year degrees in Ann Arbor.
I doubt Trump is actually getting tested. Google a video of someone getting tested- they shove a swab about 4 inches into your nasal cavity. No way he submits to that willingly on a weekly basis.
I once had a professor define urban, suburban, and rural as:
You know what never gets old?
Paglai’s Pizza would like a word with you.
If nothing else, it gives something to bash McConnell on in fall 2020 (he wouldn’t even allow a vote on something that is pretty popular, and would eliminate a conflict of law between state and federal). If he allows it to go to a vote in Senate, then individual senators would have to answer for their votes.
A Lannister always spays his pets.
King- “It’s like a lynching, only, you know, bad.”
I take issue with the “most meaningless” designation. Iowa State plays Drake (the I-AA football non-scholarship team from Des Moines, not the Canadian rapper) tomorrow in a similar weather make-up game.
Let’s not hang the mother who named her kid Abcde in efhig.
Halftime was about the only place to see highlights of Sunday’s games, as well.
K.D. Lang’s is pretty great for the same reason. Must be a Canadian thing.
No conversations about boring boxers can exclude Michael Nunn. 58-4, but was politely called a “defensive specialist”
Why wouldn’t the Penn Hills superintendent just say to the guards that they are not allowed on school property while armed?