
I don’t pretend to be an expert, but surely almost all if not actually all trans women, possessing as they do a Y chromosome, would be dead along with the cis men in this scenario? Given that this seems to be a biological sex thing rather than a gender thing. And if only an absolute minority of cis-men like Yorick poss

So she’s just driving around town yelling racist shit at people who are minding their own fucking business...

No love for The Boondocks? smh

The taco pizza from Casey’s General Store remains one of my all-time favorite pizzas (Iowa gas station pizza is legit, y’all).  Sadly I no longer live particularly close to one.

Nope. It wasn’t even that. He was dumped because he was an INEFFECTIVE shitbag. They’re perfectly happy with another shitbag like Feenstra as long as he is an EFFECTIVE shitbag. I pray the census redistricts me the hell out of this shithole district.

So, thoughts and prayers?

I mean, sure, he shot the sheriffs. But at least he didn’t shoot the deputies.

Patricia Heaton was on Colbert and she was insufferable. Her whole interview was about how good of a Catholic she is.

No.. he won’t keep THAT job.. he will just move to another department, and the circle of abuse will just continue.

It’s not irrelevant from an academic standpoint. Famously good sports teams, particularly basketball and football, which as we’ve seen are predominantly black, even at schools where black students make up 2.4% of the population, are a draw for students of all kinds. And drawing more students means more tuition and


Nashville is the spiritual home of every suburban girl who claims to be “country at heart” because she owns cowboy boots and her parents are racist.

Yeah, whenever I see that kind of notation on a receipt I know it’s because the restaurant is mad that they have to actually pay their workers or provide them with benefits. I make a note to never patronize those restaurants again. 

“The restaurant wants you to know that it’s doing right by its workers....It’s showing off, plain and simple.”

Real heads know Reese’s Easter eggs have the perfect peanut butter to chocolate ratio.

I just hope that playing down there doesn’t mess up the rotation on his shot. 

must have been an editing error, as Ivan Stewart’s Super Off Road is completely missing from this list

The fact that NONE of you picked Wendy’s Spicy Chicken is a god damn travesty.

This screed is ten times better when read in Peggy Hill’s voice.