Soylent Green

The stunts (mostly) look like practical effects, so that’s a plus. I’m still not sure about that shot of the truck crashing through what appears to be the foyer of some mansion, though. 

He went out like a muthafuckin’ boss, no doubt. 

Movie Hammond did. Book Hammond was a greedy old motherfucker. 

I’m about 1/4 of the way into her video and it is fascinating so far. I think the comparison she makes to the price and experience of a Disney cruise probably makes  the best point about this whole venture’s failure. Sure, the Star Wars hotel had to pay actors and other people to make the story happen, but it doesn’t

Kanan and Hera, Star Wars: Rebels. I always assumed they were a low-key couple, until the fourth season when we find out they’d actually been dancing around it the whole time until they finally revealed their feelings for each other.

I blame NBC for promoting every episode as “Will Niles and Daphne hook up?” every week for like 3 seasons before they finally got together.

Count me among the readers who have no fucking idea what’s going on here. But I have to say, “claiming you were the dialect coach on The Departed, but only for the word ‘microprocessors’” is “Dr. Evil’s dad making outrageous claims like he invented the question mark”-levels of hilarious.

Looks an awful lot like Netflix’s nu-MLP, too

Dan Snyder is so fucking stupid it’s amazing he hasn’t walked over an open manhole and died.

Or insist the Twilek dancing girls be required to have sex with them.

It’s a toss-up for me on who my favorite character is: Franklin or Duke. 


I’m thinking about how to work in that Thatherton ends up stealing Hank’s idea and selling it to Cuban, then I remember Burt Reynolds isn’t around anymore to voice him. 

Everyone says Dale would be a Trumper but I’m pretty sure Dale doesn’t vote and probably considers himself a sovereign citizen. 

Or whoever Hank tells him to vote for 

“I don’t care how many stewardesses you bagged, you’re still a lousy pilot!”

I hope Bobby’s demands as a chef don’t prevent him from getting to a few open-mic nights for a tight set of prop-comedy.

Now playing

I was saddened to hear he had died. I knew he was still working as of fairly recently, the aforementioned Yellowstone appearance.

Phantom Menace just had a milestone anniversary.