A million gothy teenagers just sighed in envy. Unfortunately, all of their student loans put together still couldn't make up a reasonable offer on your house. But they'll enjoy being unhappy about that.
I lived where the house next door had a giant redwood tree. One night the BF and I awoke to this loud eerie sound....looked out and saw 2 big white owls in the tree in a mating ritual. They were HUGE. It was strange and wonderful.
Did you know a group of owls is called a "mind your fucking business or I'll end you?"
They still deliver Yellow Pages?!? I'd be more surprised to see that than an entire parliament of owls on my doorstep.
Hello, Mr. Owl!
I'll just leave this here.
When I was a kid, a parliament of young owls hung out in our yard several late nights/early mornings in a row. My mom's a huge nature lover and called the local nature center to see what was going on. (This was pre-internet!) They told her that young owls tend to hang out in groups and go off on their own—like…
MAN, I never see anything this cute at my front door. All I ever get on my doorstep is the fucking, irrelevant Yellow Pages and the neighbor's kid looking for a spare house key.
That's a super realistic Furby
This owl is drunk and at the wrong house.
I believe the swaying is owl body-language for "I'm 'bout to fuck your shit up, do not even."
these ladies should have a full medical. Crazy calm owls just hanging out on your doorstep is a portent of death if you believe in portents, and I would rather believe in owl portents than anything else right now.
Pretty sure that honor is reserved for Canada geese. Vile tempered shit machines... Owls stay away from people, they don't attack random kids walking through the park, and most of them don't poop. A vast improvement over geese.
The owls are not what they seem.
He's scoping everything out. They're going to come home with a busted window and a missing TV tomorrow. With only a single feather left as his calling card.
The true horror of this encounter is that the idiot human videoed in portrait mode.