I can hear that header image lecturing me about who the real villain is in all this: society!
Plot twist: the Hakken-Kraks are Cloverfield monsters.
Better drink some booze before you peruse that Crews news!
Honest work for good pay if you don’t mind living in your van and not worrying about pesky rent and utilities. Honestly how on Earth did anyone come away from Nomadland thinking it made Amazon look good? Just because it didn’t specifically wag its finger at that one job doesn’t mean it looked awesome.
I cannot tell you how happy I am that Last Action Hero is getting a reappraisal. I’ve been shouting that that movie is Actually Good since I was 13 years old.
God lord, when you lay them out like that...
Halloween is over & it’s too early for Christmas articles, gotta write about something.
I’ve been looking for years for an old Onion opinion article entitled (and I’m paraphrasing here) “Oh My God, I Can’t Believe You Haven’t Seen Every Movie Ever Made!”, just because a clip of that headline would be very helpful, in the style of “Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made a Great Point”, in…
That was true in 2020, but now that free vaccines are widely available? Ehhh...
Nah, they definitely have sex at least once.
I love how you jump from child molester Woody Allen dating a high schooler to two adults who are both several years beyond the age of consent. Okay, let’s flip it on you, what’s the appropriate age range for two humans who are considered by society to be old enough to make their own life decisions to hook up without…
If Lizzy Caplan is playing the Glenn Close role I vote for Rachel McAdams as Michael Douglass
I’m not a conspiracy guy, but if you told me that COVID was a plot to thin the heard of the dumbest people on the planet from both sides of the political spectrum, I wouldn’t not listen.
The sheer number of movies that I went to see in theaters that I would have NEVER gone to see otherwise! Happy Death Day, Murder on the Orient Express, My Friend Dahmer, Justice League, and that’s just off the top of my head. I would actually take a chance on a mediocre movie in the theater, because fuck it, why not?…
They still get free/compensated movies!
What consenting, sober adults do with their private lives isn’t a problem. Also, as a very intelligent person upthread mentioned, this is a MOVIE, about the END OF THE GODDAMNED WORLD, where a 20 something & 40 something having sex is the least of anyone’s problems.
Awesome. Thanks for all the super cheap movies back in 2017, you really got me through a bad time in my life, Movie Pass!
Heh, I knew I fucked that up. Alas.