Gidget Castrillon

Never mind that “wellness” is nothing more than a marketing buzzword flung about to sell snake oil to the masses—

Jay Z, Kanye West, swill. Self-aggrandizing trash masquerading as “art”, no better than a TV soda commercial. In her defense, at least Beyonce is a moderately talented dancer with entertaining moves, which is more than one can say about her marble-mouthed husband, the boring gloating braggart, or Kanye

I try to stay out of politics

I’d love it if she’d detox celebrity gossip by disappearing altogether.

That’s so odd. I’ve never been to Texas, but I immediately think Branch Dividians and fireball when I hear Waco.

I don’t know why people make up so many excuses for Tiffany. She’s a grown woman choosing to shill for this piece of shit who doesn’t even try to seem like he cares about her. the fact is: she is every bit as bizarre-looking ugly as her siblings. She has alien face—huge eyes, tiny butthole mouth too full of teeth.

Not a one of them has ever told an amusing, goofy dad story. I have a ton of goofy stories about my dad. Of course I grew up with him. Trump’s kids don’t think of him as their dad, they think of him as their CEO.

I see a resemblance, but I can’t think why....

They’re startlingly​ ugly, those two, to the point that they look like they have a bunch of things wrong with them. Actually, people who kill baby elephants for fun and photo ops do have something very terribly wrong with them.

Those two can well afford to control their physical characteristics, their sister Ivanka sure has. I also think these two bring the mockery on themselves. If their African Safari pictures had been of them feeding orphaned baby animals instead of being the ones killing wildlife, if they were known as intelligent and

He doesn’t think the adopted child will think of him as a father, and he has a hard time thinking that child is his.

Ted Cruz’s children openly hate him and I respect that. The Trump’s could learn a thing or two.


Seriously. It seems like instituting a fine for each time you’re caught (with increasing levels based on number of offenses) would be the easiest way to nip this in the bud. Slap a hundred dollar fine on ever offense then jump that to $1,000 and people will suddenly be sure to list all their paid sponsorship. That or

They could hit them where it hurts, by reducing the number of people who see their posts.

I realize that jail time is only for us poors, but how about we spread the love and share the “experience” with the “influencers” who don’t label their sponsorships? At the very least we can levy huge fines and put that money into hiring a person who walks around screaming “SHAME!” on repeat behind them.

So basically they’re idiot proofing the service?

Good. Let’s continue to hold public officials accountable for their actions, from municipal to federal. Contempt of Congress, violations of Constitutional law too numerous to mention, obstruction, lying under oath, colluding with a foreign government, antitrust/Logan act violations, and the list goes on.

Never fucking forget it. Every arrest or fine or finger pointing from Schuette is to protect Snyder from trouble.

They can run for Congress.