Gidget Castrillon

An over abundance of people with their heads firmly embedded up their asses is exactly how we got here today.

Baby Pratt is destined for a future as a content creator.”

“It’s taken me until 40 to get my head out of my ass.”

I think the “clowns are harmless fun” boat sailed with Captain John Wayne Gacy at the helm.

Oh I get it now: the only racist act that crosses the line for bigoted conservatives is the murder of a white woman. All these assholes who actively oppressed people in their careers and are proud of it, are now suddenly intolerant of hatred. Give me a break.

If The Trump’s Hilton’s, Kardashian’s & Fox News all were swallowed by a black hole the world would be a better place. Add names if you wish

I’m so fucking tired of reading “X event will be the worst in his presidency”. It seems that we get at least one of these statements from some news source a week.

Bravo? I don’t think so. They voice their “outrage” because it’s safe and trendy. They were all OK working with rapist directors and photographers and celebs and being silent about the abuse against women, but now they’re all speaking about “empowerment” and “solidarity.” Don’t trust that these celebrities give a fuck

Some celebrities love attention and some celebrities got more famous because of it. Also there’s a chance they’d lose contracts. However anyone with actual talent would probably be just fine and wouldn’t it be nice if Twitter died and people had to earn respect through talent alone... One can dream.

I’m thinking any platform that hosts (and fails to deal with) white supremacists deserve to have high profile members delete their accounts and as a result publicly remove their endorsement. Pretty sure there would be an actual focus by these companies (FB, Twitter) to stop allowing hatred to organize and proliferate

No, I can’t. You’re Nazi sympathizers so I’m not sure why people would be hopping to answer your desperate emails.

“I want to make it perfectly clear that my company said nothing negative about the Dear Leader. My employees did not speak out in opposition to the Führer. Gaddafi would have looked fabulous in our products.”

It’s almost like Kim and her social circles are awful people?

It has always grossed me out how the whole family uses black people as an accessory to their “lifestyle”. From the men they date to their assistants and friends, they straight up use black people like Paris Hilton used her chihuahua and it is disgusting.

Jeffree Star is trash. That “apology” he made is a fucking joke.

I can’t use this enough as it relates to anything Kardashian. Waiting patiently for the day that people stop caring about talentless, famous-for-nothing skank who refer to themselves as “brands.”

So here’s a rule to follow everyone: If someone offends a group of which you are not a part of, it is not up to you to decide when people should get over it or accept the apology.

Considering the way their existence harasses the country as a whole, it’s not nearly enough.

silent investors at Warner Bros. for the last four years

Enough of her and her kind already. Insufferable, vapid, little girls who play dress up for a “living.” There’s an easy solution: turn off the fucking camera.