Gidget Castrillon

“For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia.” Maybe he was referencing Zero from Grand Budapest Hotel. I mean, the movie was distributed by Fox, and if these criminals have taught me anything, it’s how cleverly they commit “synergy.”

“What business person starts any project WITHOUT A FREAKING CONTRACT!” The biggest business in the world. After decades, though, it’s only within the last few weeks - let that sink in: after decades, it’s only within the last few weeks -that that business might actually regret not getting a contract. Another fact to

“Reverse psych him out. It wouldn’t even be hard.

“Don’t trust that these celebrities give a fuck about anything that benefits anyone other than themselves.” I can confirm that this statement is noting less than the absolute truth and a fucking fact. That includes every asshole in Dirt Bag tonight, yesterday, and tomorrow.

Shocking. Solange was more than happy to ride the “white supremacy” train for years. I mean, she still has her IG to peddle and profit off of “white supremacy”, so.


She’s a scumbag. And a criminal, too.

Perry and Bloom = who’s going to pay their legal bills? You committed the crimes and you’re not going to do the time because that’s how our broken justice system works and you milked it while talking shit about EQUALITY! FEMINISM! TRUTH! ART! FRIENDSHIP! LOVE!

Lucky for her she has a billionaire father and Bravo! to pay her legal bills, because she’s committed lots of very real felonies. And all for funsies!


Old, rich scumbag. How long can you exploit one person, you piece of shit, Larry David?

That’s mighty big of him. There was another person in 2015 who also donated 1 million, but I can’t remember who it was. It was big of them, too.

“most likely in countries with sketchy human rights records.” Like this country? Because the US of A is officially one of those countries.

My sister and I used to stay up well past our bedtime when we were children just so that we could watch Life of Riley. I preferred Jackie Gleason’s character in Life of Riley to the one he played in in The Honeymooners. Just a little bio information you didn’t ask for, but yeah. There it is.

“Well apparently being a sex slaver is only six years in prison, whereas murder is probably taken seriously.” Manslaughter probably isn’t though, not if it generates ratings/revenue. At least that’s what the movie Nightcrawler taught me. “Nina” did not eventually become a willing participant, though.

“Hostel is apparently a documentary.” So was Being John Malkovich, except “Catherine Keener” wasn’t the one who created that unsavory, inhumane little business of occupying a human being.

Maybe that 10-year-old boy heard a real-life damsel in distress come to a full understanding of her situation and then said that her ass was grass. But not the maryjane kind of grass.

Yeah, it’s the “again” thing, why I don’t trust or put any faith in any of this firings. More stunts, that’s all it’s ever amounted to. It’s exactly the same thing I’ve been reading every single day for years. There’s always another show and another person to fill in the role on the Hydra Head illegal reality show.

Ratso Rizzo, more like.

Now why would Killer Joe, I mean Wayne Tracker, do that? These fucking human trafficking pieces of shit.