Gidget Castrillon

The resistance crowd started the normalization of political violence? Uh fuck you and where were you during a year and a half of Trump’s rallies, where people were getting brutalized and he promised to pay their legal fees for their thuggery? Do you really expect the left not to respond to the violence that Nazis

Or maybe people see things like a candidate for congress physically assault a citizen and then get elected and suffer no real consequences. And then they think things like this are OK. Dunno.

I think now is the perfect time to be a dick about this.

NRA: When you have guns, you don’t need health care.

People like you are the problem.

I intend to be ALL the dicks about this.

Agreed. I have very little to no sympathy for these people. Someone over on Fusion’s article on this said they’d much rather see it be GOP politicians gunned down than innocent elementary school students and that’s pretty much my thought as well. Let some people who have helped commit legislative atrocities get gunned

LOL WUT. I’m no fan of Kathy Griffin and think what she did is dumb, but this shit’s a hell of a reach. Pretty sure the Twinkie defense is on stronger ground than whatever the hell this is.

This sounds like you’re saying don’t give crazy people ideas. The issue isn’t the ideas. It’s that some people think that those ideas are good. How do you stop them thinking those ideas are good is what should be addressed.

I’m glad I’m not the only one whose first instinct was to be a dick. I hope they get all the thoughts and prayers they need.

This expression is the perfect response. No other response is required.

You know what, after further thought YES let’s be a dick about this.

That’s the both sides equivalent of equating Richard Pryor saying “dead honky” on an SNL skit to a Klan rally.

Who is being a dick? I didn’t say I’m thankful that they were shot.

Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!

The GOP seems to get a collective hard-on from horrifying everyone.

Is he trying to say that since he is a man, he gets to decide what lives or dies? (Implying that women don’t have that power when it comes to abortion?) Maybe he thinks if people feel sorry for the chicken they should also feel sorry for the fetus? But then that wouldn’t make sense because if the two are equal in his

It’s a coded threat to nasty women: God gave us man dominion over life (women’s lives). He allows us (men) to raise animals (women) properly and care for them and then process them for food so we can sustain life (not a perfect analogy, but wouldn’t put it past him).

You’re not wrong, but there is a difference between killing an animal for food and killing an animal for a bad analogy.

Animal cruelty?