Gidget Castrillon

It is a very prevalent and seductive superstitious mythology that exists in many different forms.

omg The Secret the worst of the worst ... makes me think of the reality show where the mom taught that to her kids as their Homeschooling

Little do you know of the bitter feud between the Daleys and Lance-Blacks.

Because people never have had sex during the day.

One of the most heinous things Phyllis Schlafly did was campaign hardcore against a childcare bill that were poised to pass in 1970s and 1980s.

Except that it’s comparatively rare for men to face the same issues for a vasectomy. Also: read the above anecdotes about women trying to get tubal ligations and their doctors’ responses. It’s pretty obvious that the “offical excuse” doesn’t explain it. 

“one of the things this does is directly conflict with the pro-lifers that are a significant portion of their base”

I always gave them the benefit of the doubt that they cared about all the babies until someone pointed out how dead set they are against any sex ed and contraceptive access. If you truly think abortion is murder (I’ll even throw in stuff like the pill) you should be giving away condoms and diaphragms to every fertile

Show me your data that most women love being treated this way. Seriously. I won’t argue that conservative women love the pedestal they’re put on. It allows them to look down on all the other women undeserving of that pedestal. But any little slip and the whole community turns against them. And I’m sorry, but you’re

I’m sorry, did you magically appear on this planet without the need for a woman’s reproductive system to hold, sustain and give birth to you? Women’s health is EVERYONE’s health. So go read a “man blog” and let people be here.

And remember, it’s not a pre-existing condition like pregnancy, sexual assault, cancer, or asthma so it’s all covered.

I’d say that there is a bit of a gotcha given that Catholic hospitals serve a large and increasing number of Americans. One in six patients in the United States receive care in a Catholic institution, and ten of the 25 largest hospital systems in the United States are Catholic. Those hospitals are subject to Catholic

Has there ever been one single case where a woman successfully sued a doctor for performing a tubal ligation procedure that she requested and signed the consent for for? If not, the official excuse is bullshit.

What are you quoting at me? And why? Do you know how quotes work? Who wrote that?

The official excuse given for denying tubal ligation is that doctors don’t want to be sued by women who later regret permanent birth control, but most women who are refused the service say it’s because the doctor insists they’ll probably want children later... or should leave the option open, even if they have no

It is most telling that erectile dysfunction is considered a much more severe condition than sexual abuse.

A Game show host that never in the past did anything for anybody not named Trump, yet a few million people will think he will change his spots because he is now in the White House.

Hi, welcome to 2017. In case you haven’t noticed, EVERYTHING IS POLITICAL. The fact that people put blinders up and pretended everything isn’t political is EXACTLY why we’re in this mess to begin with.

Have....have you NOT been paying attention to this administration at all? If you’re not a rich white male, then in their eyes you should be honored to serve as their stepping stools. Their entire platform is founded on being sexist and racist.