Gidget Castrillon

I dont care whatever her reasons were, there is no excuse for this comment “Prostitutes are property, not human beings.” Thats a disgusting thing to say and think.  

wow dude. No.

Ha ha ha, you think that a woman would even get his attention? She’s an accessory, buddy. An ornament. An afterthought. A human being? Nope.

Trump chose an opponent of renewable energy to lead the DOE’s renewable energy office, so weird that he keeps doing that!

Evil racist elf fucker.

I don’t think it’s a millennial problem as much as it is a shallow fucking idiot problem.

Were they even going to see the bands? I feel like the bands where ancillary to the primary cause of this whole stupid fucking thing.

Holy crow- it’s like there might be real legal repercussions for gross incompetency. *Legendary!

Oh, the humility!

Maybe he’ll admit it, but would he truly believe it? Something tells me he’d just blame others so he can keep thinking he’s god’s gift to capitalism.

I’m gonna chat with him when he comes for dinner. Set the boy straight.

The most heartbreaking part about this whole saga is that it may have forced a mediocre white tech dude to admit that he can’t do everything. I mean, can you imagine the pathos of that moment, when he realized that his misguided bravado and the penis swinging between his legs just weren’t enough anymore?

We are well on the way to a Kremlin state. The media breathlessly follows the BS narrative about Jared, Ivanka, and Bannon. NEWS FLASH: They are all evil.

Every truly functional democracy in the world has freedom of the press as a main tenet. Every democracy that does not have that as a central tenet has been shown to be a “democracy” in name only (i.e. the DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea)/North Korea). In other words, you cannot have a truly democratic

“We just wanted to sell something we did not care or know how to organize”

Even still, a kardashian will find a way to promote it.

They can take risks, weather set-backs, etc. that would fuck up a normal person’s life for a long time, or outright destroy it.

The same Emily who continues to claim “Blurred Lines” was somehow about empowering women? Because it seems like she is pretty used to willingly selling bullshit.

I feel like a Kardashian / Jenner promotion and no other real details is huge red flag #1.