Gidget Castrillon

Gosh I didn’t know photos were only for young people. I better tell my grandma to get the fuck off her phone and stop capturing memories! Oh wait she’s dead and those photos I have are all that’s left of her. Darn.

A cleaning kit is included with every doll which consists of a douche ball and antibacterial soap. As soon after you have used your doll as possible, flush the cavities out with warm water and antibacterial soap. The face of the doll can be removed for easy cleaning. You can run the face under hot water to clean it

I watched a documentary about Real Dolls about a decade ago. It was so disturbing. But I felt relieved that human women were not having to deal with these men. So I guess the same feeling goes for sex robots.

“The Future...Are Robots.”

“Matt, I just wanted to say that I’m so happy to be with you.”

Nah; we human women are cool with this. Weeds the sex doll guys out of the market. Win-win.

“what will happen to interpersonal relationships when a man realizes he can drop $15,000 for a companion that does just about everything he could need or want”

My best friend used to send me daily photos of his poops. I appreciated the photos. Great lighting.

Only if you assume all human interaction is merely prelude to fucking

The Venn diagram of people that a) want a subservient, AI sex robot; and b) should not under any circumstance be in a relationship or reproduce is a perfect circle.

Tiny? La La? What is this, Teletubbies?

they wanted to destroy me, ruin my career, get me off the air, once and for all.

Ahhh...yes. The silencing of conservative voices by the liberal fascists. Never mind that Fox News is the highest rated cable network, that Rush Limbaugh has been on the air for decades, that O’Reilly was the highest rated cable news program, that there is a literal parade of conservative “thinkers” with an endless


Harry Style is so woke, it’s almost unbelievable. [ONTD]

Dear Angry Conservatives Mad About Groups Encouraging them to be Politically Correct,

Fundamental confusion: freedom of speech is not equivalent to responsibility to listen. Ann Coulter could stand on a street corner in Berkeley and shout her transparently trolly “opinions” for days and, if the police and/or the university don’t remove her, her freedom of speech is intact. That does NOT mean that she

Why do you keep saying “alt-right” instead of “nazi”? Is that an AP style guide thing?

She’s spinning this as a win over liberal snowflakes, but she’s the one running away, so....