Gidget Castrillon

The subtext being that only godless blue state cities will be nuked off the map, so it’s kinda win win for the Enquirer demographic. And really, between three years nine months more of this and nuclear annihilation, I choose annihilation.

Same same up here in Maine, where our Tea Party governor is attempting to open up all our state parks & forests for logging. How can these assbuckets not understand that in the long run, preserving these areas is the best possible investment in our tourism-oriented states?

I detest and abhor the loathsome despiser, for he is to be reviled.

THIS. WHY IS THIS BURIED IN A “here’s a bunch of stuff” POST!?

He’s a joke but it’s not actually funny. Redpill is a community that is behind countless cases of unspeakable harassment campaigns. Women have had thier lives destroyed. We know who he is and at the very least we should work to get him out of government.

I remember the first time someone sent me a link to the red pill and how it was both disgustingly shocking and a total relief. Here, finally, was a written record of what women know and experience on a daily basis but no man would admit to openly. And peering into it was like seeing behind the toxic curtain and

What a vile little balding dateless emotionally-incontinent schlub, who fancies himself a warrior for teh menz. He should be flayed & left tied to an anthill at high noon. What damage he’s done.

-I’m going to say it - stomping on Robert Fisher’s face isn’t an absolute bad, because the stomper probably really enjoyed it.

I read that and almost threw my work laptop across the room - what in the name of fuck is that?

You can defend most crimes this way.

I would like to believe that scandals of this magnitude would mean that Fox News is over, but the culture we live in now makes me question that. From the current president to the return of the Honey Boo Boo and her rape-apologist momma, not to mention the Duggars still being relevant and it seems like nothing is taboo

From the New York Magazine article:

How is it even permissible for her to choose to stay in NYC if it costs tax payers 1 million a week? All that money could be going to health care, immigration, the hungry, it could do a lot of good in NY.

The only Trump to feel any sympathy toward is Barron. He needs to be raised as far away from his father and siblings as humanly possible.

she spouts the same racist shit he does

How is this person in their 70s and has no concept of empathy.

I never buy books written by someone who obviously never reads. I especially don’t buy books written by a third-rate team of marketer/ghostwriters. It is so obvious when a celebrity crawls out of their wormhole to promote a book or whatever other bullshit they’re trying to hustle in order to increase revenues. Caitlyn


Don’t worry, Caitlyn, we all know that as soon as you get your equality and tax breaks*, regardless of who is in the White House, you’ll go back to not giving a shit about women or anyone or anything else that’s outside of your bubble.

The Republican party didn’t *just* start messing with “your people”. You want federal guidance for LGBT, but you vote Republican? Look to Russia. That is where the GOP would like to take us.