Gidget Castrillon

Because nothing says “these sexual allegations aren’t true” like the Catholic Church!

Years ago, my Fox News-watching dad came over for a visit and gave my son Bill O’Reilly’s book for teenagers. My son said “Thanks Grandpa” and after my folks went home, my kid tossed the book in the garbage. He was 14.

I don’t KNOW but dear god it annoys the fuck out of me. Like, the Kardashians can do whatever they please. That’s fine. But just because someone wth a vageen does something does not make it inherently feminist. But I appear to be in the minority about this, at least around here. I’m surprised i’m even commenting about

Why is there such a cottage industry around “the Kardashians as feminist” think pieces? It’s weird, and gross, and patently untrue.

Actual Owen Labrie picture below. Not a pic of a palatable tv nerd.

I can’t even look at that picture, it fills me with murderous rage. They have turned the WH into Hee Haw.

You’re absolutely kidding yourself if you don’t think this happens at any liberal media network as well or liberal agenda pushing place of business. This isn’t a GOP issue, this is a society issue buddy. Keep pretending like it only happens one way though, that’s helpful for everyone.


Settling multiple sexual harassment lawsuits: okay. Public being aware of multiple sexual harassment settlements: not okay. Got it.

Fox News is sending a strong message: that they will NOT stand by and allow serial sexual harassment to occur within their organization once the public finds out.

preach PBC!

Who throws the model pussy at them? Is it still attached to the model, or are they just so thoroughly objectified as to become literal objects?

Also, I suspect you’re a douche and I know no one throws shit at you.

If the mother giraffe died of old age or was put to sleep because it was suffering from an untreatable giraffe illness, then that’s no reason to give up hope.

I feel like the type that go to Coachella are the type who saw nothing wrong with the Pepsi ad.

I would seriously pay Twitter my money to deactivate his account. The Twitter CEO should retire his Stay Woke shirt until he can get around to that.

He’s starting twitter wars with real war implications because he and his stepford children won’t be fighting in those wars. Poor people will. He’s a liability and a fool.

“Sean. Also, your boss is on the precipice of sinking us in another costly, human rights catastrophe in the Middle East.”

If you consider getting erections from dumpster fires an emotion.

Incredibly angry, thanks for asking!

These useless chucklefucks. Just look at this smarmy little dipshit.