Gidget Castrillon

Being complicit is saying and doing nothing when evidence emerges that your father is a sexual predator, cupcake. As for doing good in the world, if you were serious about that, you would have moved and heaven and earth to keep your father way away from the oval office.

Fuck her. Seriously, she’s as awful as her narcissistic piece of shit father. Serena Joy is proud of her pathological liar father and husband, who looks like the guy that’ll lead a gang rape at the frat house. These people are flat out evil.

Not a chance in hell that I will subject myself to watching that. Also, every journalist that takes the easy route with these gremlins is complicit, too. I refuse to normalize this fuckery.

Yeah, but PEPSI. Only a Kardashian would be a fake advocate for a non-descript cause while promoting pop. For money.

How would you not be ashamed to have come up with this idea, to have story boarded it, to have pitched it, to star in it?!! It must have been a Kardashian production from inception, those shits will do anything and have no shame.

Leave it to Coke (and a Kardashian) to disgorge this toothless crock of shit on the current consumer landscape.

This is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve seen all day, and I refresh my news alerts. Fuck Pepsi, fuck the Kardashian people, fuck this gross appropriation of significant moments in political culture.

God I fucking hate this family.

So we have a right to private conversations but not a right to private health care decisions, huh, right wingers?

But most of the time...

Dey doo...

If cats would only like our dogs too.

Fuck him. I apologize for not having anything more eloquent to contribute. Oh, wait, I do: Fuck him, fuck the Quiverfull cult he belongs to, fuck Bill Gotahrd, and fuck TLC for promoting a destructive cult for ratings.

Quiverfull adherents are fucking disgusting.

Josh Duggar was running the [designated hate group] Family Research Council, advocating legislation for how OTHERS should live. And he thinks having children while the marriage is in year two of “distress” is a good idea.

The entire Duggar clan is repulsive...and so are all of their spouses, spouses who willingly expose their children to this immoral mess. There isn’t much else to say about them other than I wish they’d all just go the fuck away.

If this all were not so horrifying, I would find Spicer’s consistent oafishness hilarious. I may even find him endearing if circumstances were difference. I feel the same way about Trump’s rank stupidity: it would all be kind of hilarious, if it wasn’t also so horrifying.

Any sign of weakness, including an apology, is generally not tolerated in the Trump administration.

“Estupido” would probably sting for a number of reasons.