Gidget Castrillon

Fine. Let ‘em do it. Go full on fascist. Rip the bandaid off already. They’re gonna turn us into a police state, we know it, they know it, we know they know it, etc.

I know it’s about controlling women, but sometimes I also think it’s about self-hate. Like, if you secretly know you are a piece of shit and probably have no purpose and nothing good to contribute to the world, it becomes your life’s mission to pretend all potential life, no matter what, is sacred and worthwhile.

Dear Kansas state legislators,

People in glass houses...

They can’t.

The establishment media always calls them “alt-right”, and Trump’s lies are “falsehoods”, his operatives “misspoke” when they lied and perjured themselves. Always gotta be fair and balanced.

We are all going to die.

Bannon clearly wants to bring the government down, civil servant by civil servant if necessary. So now they’re hollowing out the Justice Dept. There’s already little left of the State Dept (we have no confirmed Ambassadors, all the incumbents were fired, and only a half dozen replacements have even been named).

Something feminine like, I don’t know, feminism?

Today and everyday.

I think that we should on a daily basis not just one day a year but 365 days a year appreciate the contributions that women make in all of those categories so its not, it shouldnt be a daily thing and its, hopefully we can help fix that all bit more.

I think they’re better than this. I regular Deadspin (still grey, though) and other sites, and the men are capable of talking about serious and funny subjects.

Dude here. No clue what goes on in locker rooms, as I haven’t been in one since high school over 20 years ago.

Feminism doesn’t owe her anything, SHE owes feminism for the fact that she is able to be the successful terrible person she is today.

Amen. Apparently deporting single mothers who have been in this country for 20 years is wonderful, and denying health insurance to people who need it is fine and dandy, just make sure you don’t say anything bad about her outfit or her clown makeup!

And Conway stands on the shoulders of feminism in order to even be taken seriously and considered for the job she has, while at the same time she slams feminism.

Bingo. Why is one side expected to take the so-called high road, and let the other side run roughshod? Why shouldn’t the left “tell it like it is” for once?

I’ve said this before, but I don’t understand why the left is always expected to cede ground to the right. Both politically (which is another issue altogether) and in terms of tone. This is a person whose job it is to defend someone who’s perpetrating bald racism, sexual assault, nationalism, and the systematic

It didn’t take long for the spin to come out and exactly what anticipated. We know it’s a lie but the base will buy it and most others will just give him a pass. America can never be the same.

“Some people don’t like to take responsibility for their own shit.” - a guy whose entire business model is predicated on refusing to acknowledge that the people who work for him are his employees