Gidget Castrillon

Let’s make the GOP regret nominating and electing Donald for a long time to come. The political system is far to the right of what most Americans want; it’s time for a course correction.

Do they really need press briefings with Trump? It’s just an excuse for his spokesfolk to lie more. Instead, do hard-hitting reporting on him and his administration, and he’ll be more or less forced to respond to it (either in his usual Twitter ranting, or in official statements).

I grew up in a very religious household but im not religious because of bad experiences, it’s more of the hypocritical nature of Christians and seeing my dad who was the born again Christian, being duped or disappointed by his fellows church folk who didnt live in a Christ like way. Nobody’s perfect, of course, but

That’s the luxury of only having to think as far as “how might my treatment of this child affect their emotional wellbeing and the kind of adult they grow up to be?” and not “what about their immortal souls?

I see a lot of parallels between organized religion and its usual foe - pornography. Neither institution is bad in and of itself, and plenty of people emerge from both organized religion and the porn business having had great experiences. But both tend to attract very vulnerable people, and the capacity and

That is a consolation.

If it is any consolation, the notion that those who are abused will inevitably repeat the cycle is largely a myth. It exists for the consolation of those who want to see society continuously segregated, as it conveniently puts those usually subject to abuse (e.g., people from underprivileged communities) into a box

I’ve been an atheist for 20 years now, and the older I get the more all religions (not just the cult-y ones) seem very fetishistic to me.

You know, you just never hear about this kind of crap with atheists. Yeah, some atheists are assholes - but they don’t, as an organization, advocate BEATING CHILDREN.

Why do men do this to themselves? I’ll never understand it.


No, this OP did NOT say vaginal sex! Also, the phrase “in bed” or being a “good lover” or being “good at sex”? Sex is not just intercourse, or genital contact. Sex is the whole thing from beginning to end of the encounter

No, no Noble thats how you summon the Demon Lilith and then SHE teaches you how to squirt using this one amazing trick Doctors don’t want you to know about!

Articles like this are fine but the real education should be teaching women how to say what they want and partners how to accept it without hurt feelings

umm no sorry didn’t you read the article all women like it all women like the same things getting a woman off is just like a video game up up down down ABAB down down up start

An extremely credible source told me to write postcards, call my congress persons, enact change and keep persisting. That source is my gut.

Welcome back to our daily segment “Republicans projecting their own faults on others!”. With us, as has become common is President Cheeto Trump

Well I am sure the truth hurts his ego, he also makes these statements to give a confirmation bias to his followers, which just further engrains them into their distrust of the media and the left.