Gidget Castrillon

A GoFundMe page has been set up for Kuchibhotla to cover funeral costs and grief and recovery support for his family, exceeding its goal of $150,000 in just nine hours. Purinton is being held on a $2 million bond.

Has Drumpf said the term “radical Christian terrorism”? Like Drumpf said to Obama, you have to say it before you can fight it. How come I get the feeling the White House will not mention this.

Remarkably, she’s a woman who has never had to actually experience being a woman. In growing up as a man, she skipped over being objectified, controlled, and discredited, and now that she is a woman, she has enough money to avoid any of that. She doesn’t need to worry about reproductive rights, or maternity leave, or

I know a guy who was a gay vegan who voted for Trump because “I’m tired of career politicians” who is now shocked that he is rolling back GLBTQ and animal rights. He said “He doesn’t believe what he says, he used to be a Democrat, he just says stuff to rile up the base, once he’s in he’ll be even more liberal than

I doubt the sincerity of this message from her TBH. It smacks of lip service. She’s rich enough there’s nothing Trump and his administration could do to LGBTQs that would actually affect her life. And I’m sure she’s quite comfortable in that reality.

I think it is less about being an athlete and more that Caitlyn is also a reality tv star.She has the same level of narcissism as the people she votes for.

It’s not populism. I’ve heard this spring up on the talkies recently and no, he is not a populist. Populism has become a catch-all term for perceived grassroots movements, but that’s not what it is. The definition varies as it is still being debated, but nearly every definition includes two points; 1. It encompasses

Gee, maybe you should’ve spent more time learning from transpeople whose realities are pretty dire because they don’t have money to insulate them from physical, emotional and legal danger instead of focusing on how to clown-tour like your stepdaughters.

I do not understand all these Trump supporters who suddenly seem surprised and betrayed that he’s racist, xenophobic, sexist, transphobic, etc. Really? What did you think, he was a Planned Parenthood supporter, and GLAAD or PFLAG member? It’s baffling. Or worse the people who said, “He won’t really do all that stuff

She can fuck off and take Susan Saranden with her.

Fuck off Jenner.

I’ve seen people blow through their stock of credibility and goodwill faster than she did, but not very many and not very often.

Caitlyn Jenner can go fuck herself. Congratu-fuck you-lations. You backed the side that is now fucking over the community that you have joined. It must be nice to still be fucking loaded while people in the LBFTQ community are getting completely fucked over by these assholes.

Cannot star hard enough. And no, she’s neither “brave” nor “beautiful.” She’s just a rich twit.

Things you knew you were going to get with Hillary: Equal rights, respect, the protection of the government. Quelle horreur.

Just a question, has anyone ever said that Caitlyn Jenner was smart?

I get that a lot of super rich assholes vote R. Which means they’re voting in favor of everything that’s awful, and at least some of them have to know that. My question is, how much money do they need before they grow a conscience?

I love that she thought her support of Trump would somehow sway the LGBTQ community to rally behind him, and how she now thinks her disapproval for Trump’s conduct would cause Trump to change course.

Yep. I’d agree that monetizing her ambitions instead of reaching out to help others qualifies as a disaster.

Oh, shut the fuck up, Caitlyn.