Gidget Castrillon

Ooh, can they include the impacts of back-alley abortions, women and children who are forced to live in poverty because they came pregnant in unstable situations, statistical trends and scientific analysis, and the full story?

“No taxpayer in Texas should have to subsidize this repugnant and illegal conduct.”

Yeah, free and reduced school lunches are a very important program. Didn’t exist for us at the time.

Second grade. Opened my lunchbox midyear to find half a bologna sandwich, a gherkin pickle, and an empty cup to get water from the fountain. I was like, “Huh. We’re POOR.” Then I shrugged and hightailed it to the playground.

He looks like a toddler who is simultaneously cutting teeth and losing all his hair in that header pic.

I love the middle class white assumption that the only time “working people” can possibly work is 9-5. You know that “working people” work all kinds of shifts and hours, right? You know that many, many “working people” - really hard-fucking-working-people - aren’t at work in the middle of the day, right? You know that

That’s what’s going to happen in my town this week. Our senator was invited to a town hall at the local library, he won’t show up, so the people are going ahead with the town hall anyway. The Republicans are trying to avoid a ‘youtube moment’ or whatever, but not showing up makes them look even worse, IMO.

These motherfuckers.

Please go and sneeze into your hand before shaking his

Same here! (New Orleans). Luckily one of my senators is holding a town hall tomorrow so I’m going, armed with my teacher’s ID and a binder full of printouts of why Betsy Devos is terrible and I’m damn sure going to to demand an explanation of his “yes” vote for her.

I’m still loving it how everyone who disagrees with them must be a ‘paid protester’.

My senators scheduled a town hall a few weeks ago, bailed, and sent staff instead. After a bunch of older white people (notorious radical hacks, all!) in the rural South chanted “Shame!” at them, their aides bailed too and complained that it prevented constituents from getting help with casework. Because town halls in

I’m in Erik Paulsen’s district. He hasn’t held an in-person town hall in years, but does hold phone town halls, in which people whose phone number his office has are randomly called at an unannounced date/time to be invited to listen to him handpick his questions and not see any of his constituents face to face.

In my district (NJ11th), Congressman Frelinghuysen hasn’t held a town hall since 2013. His constituents repeatedly asked for one and were told that they were simply too difficult to organize.

God Mitch McConnell is everything wrong with politics. He literally hates his constituents, has no actual personal beliefs about anything but is the biggest party hack of all time. He is about the weakest person alive with absolutely no redeeming qualities.

The Tennessee state legislature is turning into a shitshow. There has been a bill introduced that basically says “No matter what SCOTUS says, we will only recognize marriage as one man and one woman.” In other words, unconstitutional, bigoted trash. When the brain trust behind this held a press conference to try and

Exactly. This is public service. It’s your job to answer to your constituents. Start doing your job.

May I also suggest this sign:

Politically active citizens are the heroes the country needs.

If your representative won’t hold a town hall, hold one yourself, invite them, invite the media, and read off a list of concerns and demands.