Gidget Castrillon

The immigration court backlog is going to grow and grow as well, and people will be stuck in limbo for years at a time.

Movie theaters maybe.

I just knew Jolie’s first post split movie press would be totally over the top as usual. She can’t just premiere a film. She has to eat spiders, drag out the entire brood, shut down most of Cambodia, be honored by the leader of the country and pretend she’s high brow by going to the BBC to talk about her FAMILY (™).

I disagree, regarding Rooney and Joaquin. I’d much rather have them paired off and contained than in the general population looking for mates.

As with everything else he does, he believes that insisting on micromanaging those infinitely more intelligent than himself makes him look bold and strong. He doesn’t undersand how weak and stupid he comes off, because he’s lived is entire life thus far exclusively in the company of fawning yes-men who keep him from

That was my thought.. if asked “sorry, was about to announce my retirement at the end if the week.. so no, I won’t take that job”

and even Tillerson at State

I was about to say: If I had the money that he claims he had, I’d be one happy muthafucka... But no: He who want’s more than he has, will never, ever be happy...

I wonder if we could pay some small nation to make him a royal so he could fuck off.

However, as was pointed out elsewhere (not sure what site I saw it on) all military service members take a vow to uphold and support the Constitution and something to the effect of protect the nation — nowhere do they vow to blindly obey the President, even if he is Commander in Chief.

The article deserves wider play, for this very reason. You cannot be an American patriot and favor fascism or oligarchy or a dictator. The cognitive dissonance is staggering. I... don’t have the words to express the horror.

Add to that I want his 3 oldest kids in jail with him.

Seriously (no pun intended). I did a Google search “Donald Trump smiling” and the results are horrifying. Between his shit-eating smirk and what looks like repressed gas, I could find extremely few pictures that looked like he was giving a genuine warm smile.

I knew I had seen that look before.

“[Trump] needs to drain the swamp of judges, too,” he said. “I don’t care what he does. I’m behind him 100 percent. Put it this way: If he became a dictator, and they said, ‘We want him in forever,’ he’s my man. He’s in. I’ll never vote against him ... I love his power ... It’s the power that does something to me.”

I keep seeing this in the comments, but it really doesn’t work that way for senior officers. They are typically offered a position (maybe more than one), and if they decline and no other position is offered, they are given the opportunity to resign/retire.

I think it’s necessary to stop the insanity on the right. It’s either that or we’re done as a democracy/republic. The only good thing to come out of this is that more ppl are paying attn now. Cold comfort.

Soldiers / former soldiers are the only ones feeling enough duty to hold their nose and try to make the best of a bad situation for the country (see: General Mattis).

General McMaster is seen as one of the Army’s leading intellectuals, first making a name for himself with a searing critique of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for their performance during the Vietnam War and later criticizing the way President George W. Bush’s administration went to war in Iraq.

There is never any discernible joy on this toad’s face. Never. Sad.