Gidget Castrillon

If they’re talking about a new travel ban so far in advance of issuing it, that certainly defeats Trump’s prior argument of not wanting to let “a whole lot of bad guys” come through in the meantime.

The fact that Trump knew that Flynn lied about sanctions in his conversation to Russia and was potentially compromised, but let Flynn handle national security matters with the highest level of clearance is enough to impeach him. However, it will never happen with the current spineless GOP (compared to the GOP of

Don’t believe the claim it was just a practice run. They knew exactly what they were doing. This was straight out of the shock doctrine handbook, sowing chaos immediately to exhaust us while they knit together something even worse behind the scenes.

That’s why we have to stay on and writing to our representatives!

Watergate would not even be a ripple in the pond these days.

Of course he is, American instability is his goal. He and his team are so damn frustrated that American blood hasn’t been spilled in a terror attack yet that they’ve resorted to making stuff up.

The Russian stuff is already bigger than Watergate. What it needs is a smoking gun.

but, but … doesn’t the idea of him just seem calmer?

I realized this weekend that I’m a great candidate for clinical depression. I don’t want to leave my apartment. I sleep way more than I should. It’s affecting my job. It’s affecting my social life. And I’m fucking obsessed with every headline on Twitter that has to do with that fucking asshole that roughly 70,000

I can only hope he remains so persistently and doggedly dumb.

What’s especially cute is that after the courts got involved they were all “this is vital, enemies stream across our open borders...” blah blah, and yet it’s taken all this time to revamp the EO. It’s almost like they’re not serious about the terror part.

For strong, manly Republican men who like insult pansy librul snowflake identity politics, Donald Trump and his coterie sure are obsessed about the very worst kind of identity politics.

Unless the GOP grows a brain and a backbone, thry won’t. As Samantha Bee pointed out, Congress and the Senate are going unchecked right now. Everyone is so focused on what a moron the disgusting rotted pumpkin is, they’re getting down to business dismantling everything

One major reason the travel ban was rejected by the courts is because they refused to explain why one was necessary on top of all the established procedures we already have. Expanding the list of countries doesn’t change that.

Only if the anticipated next mass causality on our soil doesn’t happen soon enough....because then he and the puppet masters can triple down on the power grabs, as well as kill our freedom of speech and the right to protest.

It would be more flush with cash (relatively speaking) if the states weren’t siphoning off millions (and possibly billions) of dollars to companies like Pearson and its ilk for standardized testing, bullshit online courses, and overblown textbooks. But so much of the money gets drained at the state level and at the

“But for too many of our citizens, a different reality exists: mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities; rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation; an education system flush with cash”

Wait wait wait... “an education system flush with cash?”

Giving power back to the people means they will try to have everything done at the state level where resistance is much harder to accomplish.

Stalin divided the power similarly, between the party, the army and the NKVD/KGB - the point being that the support of any two guaranteed the power to exterminate a threat from the third…