Gidget Castrillon

How much evil can so many people agree to do to one person? It’s not like even one of them needed the money, not that that would in any way excuse it.

Oh, look! It’s Pedals. Glad to see his paw has healed and that’s he’s healthy enough to cross state lines! Don’t smoke and remember that crime doesn’t pay, Pedals!

“On Saturday, in Virginia, a blindingly white punching bag by the name of “Richard Spencer,” led or participated in two rallies of fellow white nationalist and “alt-right” protesters,” — The quotations marks around his name isn’t quite as clear as labeling it as sponsored content or an ad, which it is, but it’s

The header photo reminds me of a photo of a woman who attended the same MFA writer’s program. Her name was Ariel.

“As a mom, I am giving you the biggest strongest hug in the world. I am so sorry that they did that to you.” Yeah, you can keep that. You know, along with your phony account.

Why is that red-colored 29 at the bottom of my comment? I didn’t put it there and I haven’t sen it on any other post, either.

No shit she isn’t. What she absolutely does have in common with other people her ages is: they never believe they’re typical teenagers. So what’s the point of your comment?

Because a business built on an around human trafficking in the United States of America in 2017 cannot be scripted. Not for as long as they’d hoped, even though they’d all given themselves nearly a decade of it.

“Kylie doesn’t really know who Kylie is.” Who does or did at that age?

You should contact Warren Wilson MFA Writer’s Program about their ugly history, too. What colleges are willing to do to their students for money is criminal.

Is there an #ad, #spon, #sponcon on her instagram post? Because that’s what it is. I mean, aside from all that other illegal stuff. Jussayin.

No, that’s a decision that needs to be made by a lot more people. It has to be a collective decision. But it’s cute that you think you’re enlightening me. Bye, now.

“She should be proud taken to the woodshed for that and inflicting the Kardashians on us.” She didn’t create or inflict the Kardashians on people. The public did that, and they need to take themselves to the woodshed for that. What Paris Hilton did is introduce Kim Kardashian to the public. That she believes this is


Every project and every product and all the merchandise and all the public relations companies and all the advertisers and all the social media pieces of shit that allowed it and joined in on the human trafficking of one person, every day for over half a decade.

Every project and every product and all the merchandise and all the public relations companies and all the advertisers and all the social media pieces of shit that allowed it and joined in on the human trafficking of one person, every day for over half a decade.

Every project and every product and all the merchandise and all the public relations companies and all the advertisers and all the social media pieces of shit that allowed it and joined in on the human trafficking of one person, every day for over half a decade.

Every project and every product and all the merchandise and all the public relations companies and all the advertisers and all the social media pieces of shit that allowed it and joined in on the human trafficking of one person, every day for over half a decade.

It took that long? Anyhow. Thank you for answering.

It wouldn’t surprise me in the least, but I went to the interview that this post is spoofing and left a comment about Allison Williams that’s nothing but the truth, so.