Gidget Castrillon

Since it premiered.

“I agree. Sometimes we get stuck in a rut and need to blow up (at least parts of) our lives to get out of it.” This, exactly. Our current culture values the triumph over adversity narrative, but only once you’ve come out on the other side. That’s been true for decades, so now, it’s been emptied of any meaning. A few

“No, he absolutely does not know how ridiculous these are. He thinks he’s deep -” They all do, every last one of them. The more successful they are and the more humble they do their best to seem, the more monstrous they are. That’s my personal experience. I remember reading a Britney Spears pre-breakdown interview. In

Exactly. All of these people suck ass.

“I don’t know why, but the part of this photo that bothers me the most is that you can clearly see where they raked his footsteps away in the sand.” Because God wasn’t the one who carried him? That’s my best guess.

“And what the everloving hell does “architecting” mean?” It’s the jargon of illegal marketing and monetized violations. Basically, a years-long, exceptionally lucrative pyramid scheme. Did I mention that it’s illegal? Very, very illegal. The most illegal. I’m talking felonies, lots and lots of felonies. Big, beautiful

A real dark night of the soul for the ages, I’m sure.

These people are completely ridiculous and self-important.

Really? You’ve been working on the island behalf for years.

Really? You’ve been working on the island behalf for years.

“If you’ve got an issue with that, blame Oprah.” I do blame Oprah. Oprah done lost her fucking sense a long time ago.

Oprah can’t stop producing movies about magical negroes and POC trauma. People of color filtered through the lens of white folks. Progress!

“I’m trying to think of what scandal or information would actually surprise me or shake me about these guys and I got nothing.” How about this? That’s he’s role-playing a dead person for a little side project and extra revenue, on an illegal business/marketing experiment, for years. Now there’s a fact that would

Sandra Bullock can go fuck herself. Her brand is crisis when she’s getting paid for it. I’ve been forced to live crisis while she plays, acts, frolics, and has the choice to be private. Middle-aged America’s sweetheart isn’t so sweet but she definitely needs to go fuck herself. And take the rest of her world with her,

Goodness, think about all the online traffic you would get if you actually wrote about what you are, and have been, writing about for over half a decade. But, then again, why do that when you have your built-in audience of human trafficked entertainment? It’s not you, your life or your family, so win-win for you and

It helps to let people know how they can help. Follow sleeping giants and Shannon Coulter of #GrabYourWallet on Twitter and Facebook: @slpng_giants @shannoncoulter and repost all of their updates on your social media. That helps spread awareness of all the advertisers that fund and profit off of Constitutional, civil

Each and every one of these pieces of human garbage have used one person - that would be me - as their human piñata for their illegal money-making marketing scam for years. Each and every one of them, and not only on FOX News. But they already know all of that, so do their sponsors.

Yeah, the audience needs to be reminded how full of shit I am, again. Kinda like Geraldo Rivera’s live! big nothing reveal of Capone’s trove of nothing, I’m also currently having a wargasm over nothing. Why do the producers keep needing to inform the audience about all of my fraud, literal bullshit, and lies? They’ve