Gidget Castrillon

“As a result of the report, the Interior Department has ordered additional harassment training and prevention for supervisors.” You know what would be even better? Allowing an “employee” to “quit” immediately. If that’s not clear enough, then how about this? Allowing an employee to quit immediately.

If you say so, sure. What-the-fuck-ever. I mean, it isn’t your life and family that’s been destroyed, so, yeah. Jackie O had the hots for Alec Baldwin. She’s dead and he’s enough of a soulless piece of shit to go along with it.

Since this is what you’re really writing about - WINK! - and this is what everyone pretends not to know they’re writing about - WINK! - here’s what my real life has been turned into FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT AND THIS ASSHOLE’S FINANCIAL GAIN! But no one knows anything about it! You’ll all, like the FBI who protected

In 2014, I was forced to sell my apartment. It was accomplished by criminal fraud. It was a violation of my Constitutional, civil and human rights. The rental lease I signed in 2016 was not a legal contract or rental lease, but I’m not going to allow myself to be put into another situation of forced homelessness for

Last night I read an excerpt from an article that was posted on another site, something about how it isn’t rich people who create jobs but customers and how trickle-down is something created by the rich to ensure their paychecks. True enough. But here’s the fact about the empire and the cottage industries that have

But wait? Didn’t a creepy man show up at Chole Grace’s home? Didn’t she call the cops? So how are Jeff and Leo still going strong? My, how things change in one day!

Fuck off. I’m not playing games or writing code. Fuck off. Don’t fuck with what means something to me and the only thing I have in the world now: language. Fuck off with your shit, you fuck.

“The establishment media always calls them “alt-right”, and Trump’s lies are “falsehoods”, his operatives “misspoke” when they lied and perjured themselves. Always gotta be fair and balanced.” This is true. Not because I want to be fair and balanced, but because it’s historical context: unlike the continent of Europe,

“Destabilizing is too polite a word. This is fucking anarchy.” There’s no reason to believe this won’t be misused or abuse, but I can’t help but share it, the etymology: anarchy (n.) 

“What I’m seeing is constantly attacking one’s allies over little differences in persons/approach/ideas for some sick satisfaction of getting the last word or feeling superior or holier than thou.” Is that what you’re seeing or is that what you’re living? Because that makes all the difference in the world. If that is

“We were getting four or five hours of sleep a night for extended periods of time. There’s no days off—best case scenario is one day off every two weeks, and hardly anybody is getting that much time off. You’re working 8:30, 9 o’clock in the morning, until midnight, 1 am, all day, every day. It’s kind of hard to get

“Compared to this, Kara’s “I’m the coolest black person ever and I will fight you if you say different!” articles suddenly seem like Pulitzer material.” I couldn’t agree more with this. That Shade Court shit, whatever.

It’s almost like the book Too Loud A Solitude! But not quite, not at all like that book, in fact.

“Most companies in the United States, Sterling included, obligates their employees to waive the right to take their employer to court publicly. Instead, the “quasi-legal” arbitration system is used. Complaints are heard privately and, as a result, there is often less transparency.” My sister told me something about

“[B]ut I am done answering “how so?” You haven’t answered it once. I’ve asked several times. I’ve put more effort in asking genuine questions, and you have put more effort in evading answering, in being willfully obtuse, possibly: “You obviously believe this to be true. I don’t, which is why I’m asking.” Your response

“If the idea is for both to have an orgasm through vaginal penetration, it is still largely dependent on the man.” How so, though? You obviously believe this to be true. I don’t, which is why I’m asking.

“Vaginal Sex: If the idea is to just “have vaginal sex” that can be accomplished with much less energy expended on the woman’s part.” How so?

“I’ll whisper something sexy (or my lame attempt at being sexy lol)“ If you’re genuinely into each other, everything is sexy, even lame attempts at being sexy, and when it isn’t, it’s endearing.

“Bringing up oral sex (me receiving) though is something I’m bad at.” Why? I know that’s a personal question, so I understand if you’d choose not answer.

“The worst thing is being with a girl who tells you after 40 mins of attention that she actually came ages ago, silently.” Why? I’m curious, that’s the only reason I’m asking.