Gidget Castrillon

“A) yeah, blowjobs are harder than eating pussy.” How could possibly know this with absolute authority?

On Twitter I saw an article about the damage done to Ivanka Trump’s because of the backlash has been ‘negligible’. So which is it?

“And don’t forget Democratic attorneys general (or attorney generals? Both sound wrong).” Attorneys general. Yesterday I made a weird mistake - I brought up gerrymandering in relation to voting for Mitch McConnell, even though I know it’s a state-wide election, so. Maybe it’s because I was tired, who knows.

We were poor, too. Lots of lunches with my stomach growling, that’s why your comment touched me so much.

This is both sweet and sad*. <3

“This group is more formally known as “your constituents”. But to acknowledge them as such is to admit that they’re not doing their job.

“Now that we literally have a tyrant, all of a sudden people exercising democracy are sore losers.” Sore losers, radicals, paid protesters, kooks, anarchists. Everything but angry constituents exercising their rights.

Spam his social media with this. He should have a healthy respect for paid advertising, right?

“Same here! (New Orleans). Luckily one of my senators is holding a town hall tomorrow so I’m going, armed with my teacher’s ID and a binder full of printouts of why Betsy Devos is terrible and I’m damn sure going to to demand an explanation of his “yes” vote for her.” PLEASE do this and let us know how it goes.

Yeah, he is a real piece of shit. And he’s very obviously fine with slavery, too, and not just his neighbor owning slaves, but financially benefiting from it himself.

NYC, I’m waiting for one. Nothing so far. It might the only thing that prompts me to leave my apartment.

“It should be noted that as an active duty General McMaster isn’t actually allowed to refuse the order to serve the President.” That’s not accurate. He can resign.

“he has to do what the president asks him to do, like it or not. That was Trump’s solution to his problem of not being able to find anyone willing, it appears.” True, but there *is* still a choice: resign or serve. I’m not saying he should have chosen one over the other. I’m merely making the distinction between what

McMaster ordered detainees be treated humanely” -

“That was my thought.. if asked “sorry, was about to announce my retirement at the end if the week.. so no, I won’t take that job”

“If you have grounds to do so like Susan did, catalog evidence and take it to a lawyer.” My half-sister Susan is a Leo. Funny.

“I would love nothing more than for those snide, vapid, useless motherfuckers in Silicon Valley to have to do actual fucking work for money.” Peter Theil doesn’t believe in democracy or that women should vote. Based on my extensive personal experience with Peter Theil, he puts his dirty money where his mouth is.

Funding and profiting off of civil, human, and Constitutional rights violations isn’t good for long-term business. Not only has Uber been there since day one, they’re ad dollars helped make it all possible.

There have been so many of these kinds of horror workplace stories within these last few years. And always the top brass never know anything about it. Funny, when these decisions can only come from the top brass. But I’m not saying anything other people don’t already know, including the CEO of Grubhub. I mean, Uber.