One thing is crystal clear- the position as Hilltop Leader must be cursed because they sure don’t last very long. Horrible track record.
One thing is crystal clear- the position as Hilltop Leader must be cursed because they sure don’t last very long. Horrible track record.
I believe you misread some parts of the show. It appears the “X” was a brand to mark their “food”, as opposed to a member of their group...similar to the Terminus arc. The hanging instructions for how to skin/prepare deers/rabbits plus what Jocelyn told the kids about “marking” their targets before killing them points…
The showrunners seem to relish using simple minded contrived plots to drive actions. First the deaf woman decides she would be better hiding in the cornfield rather than running forward past the gate when they saw the Whisperers. Then she decides it makes sense to blow her cover by rescuing a noisy baby from the enemy…
Whether or not a character “has it coming” or not, it’s still losing a developed character. Both Jesus and Gregory have developed viewer interest - much more so that the current set of introduced newbies.
At the rate they are going in killing off long time and developed characters I would expect interest in the show to show an increased rate of decline. This season is only half done and we’ve lost Gregory, Rick, Maggie, and Jesus.
An easier was is to turn on closed captions.
“Rick would’ve been more than happy to leave the Saviors alone if they hadn’t gone after his people first — a fact that seems to elude some fans.”
Also makes no difference if their tame or wild- they bolt or stay according to forced plot line.
It’s ironic that he took over from Zack, who had to leave because of his incessant hate watch filled reviews.
I normally don’t like the Deus ex machinas use to rescue FTWD and TWD folks from certain doom, but this time it was quite enjoyable since they went all in and kept throwing out one Deux ex machina after another. I knew last weeks cliffhanger wasn’t the end since we’re talking about Rick, so the first escape was a…
I thought it was a good episode, but it would be far more enjoyable if it didn’t fall apart with the slightest scrutiny and logical thought.
Let’s see- only one “dummy death” this episode with that kid needlessly sacrificing himself to save a horse. Other than that a pretty decen’t episode. I hope new showrunner Angela Kang continues to keep the show grounded closer to real expected human responses and we have no more of the absurd reality served in the…
Season Finale Thoughts:
As long as they dominate the ratings, they will keep cranking out episodes.
I believe the winning moniker is Chick Grimes.
Does anyone want to try and explain the logic of Aaron hanging out in the woods as a plan to convince the women of Oceanside to join the fight?
Tonight’s revelation revealed Simon to be the psycho that killed all the men of the woman from Oceanside.
I thought I saw the flare drop and roll into the water as she was fighting Negan for it. On the Talking Dead, it was mentioned that that “Walker Cart” she was using was able to be unlatched where the part that had the Walkers face could be lowered down.....presumably onto Negan. I don’t know how they would expect…
I think the MO of the Saviors is to make their enemies walkers, as in non head shot kills. We saw result like that at the Library outpost at the beginning of the Negan arc.
The show has a high propensity to stick in deus ex machina’s because it’s clear they can’t be bothered in keeping the logical thread intact or even try to make scene shifts believable. The bar was swamped by the herd at just the right time with no one outside to warn them- although they happened to be outside earlier…