
She wasn’t surprised- she was trying to signal it with the flare- which is what the original flare was for, but it fell into the water. She packed up in the beginning of the episode preparing to leave- clearly for the helicopter. At the end of the ep, she is seen unpacking again.

After his failure to get Hilltop to give up the war, I don’t think Negan would welcome him back or let in in the car. Negan has said in the past he absolutely hates the double dealing weasel types.

Looks like Morgan will be getting his lift to FWTD via the helicopter.....maybe Jadis will tag along.

I think the reasoning she didn’t hide was the Saviors wouldn’t have left until they confirmed she was dead. The others were just faceless heapsters, but they knew her and would want a confirmation she was dead.

Good odds are it’s the woman lieutenant who found out Dwight was a double agent, but never never showed up back at Savior HQ and has been MIA since.

Yeah, the classic B grade horror films of the past.

I just realized there was an enormous plot hole besides the regular dumbo actions writing-

There’s stupid writing, then there’s mega stupid writing, and then there’s academy award level idiocy writing...

One of the highly annoying things about the show are to over simplistic set ups that insult the intelligence of the viewers. It’s like they have no idea how to intro new plot-lines/developments, so they don’t even bother and just “make things happen” and we’re just supposed to accept it.

You must have missed the scene where Negan is talking to Eugene about how Eugene’s new plan is going to use up lots of ammo and if he could be counted on to replace his ammo with his homemade bullets.

On Talking Dead, it was confirmed that there will be no “magic” and Carl will suffer the eventual fate of all who get bitten in areas that can’t be amputated.

I think Eugene’s ability to make bullets allowed them to burn through all their ammo to take out the walkers without fear of depleting their resources.

It’s clear it’s being patterned as just a soap opera with zombies. Soaps recycle their stuff all the time, and it’s worked for decades.

“How did Negan’s army escape? How did he acquire such organization and force”

So let’s see how the whole shebang was choreographed/written:

I find it amazing that Negan is still only interested in taking out just the principle trouble makers rather than the entire Hilltop/Alexandria/Kingdom outposts. You’d think at least one outpost would be targeted to be made an example.

“There was a clear implication there were more from this group of well armed road bandits who immediately try to subjugate or kill random strangers they encounter. That specific incident was resolved, but the threat wasn’t.”

He was part of the prologue and epilogue of a previous episode. He starts talking to Carl at a gas station lot but is scared off by Rick, to Carl’s dismay. At the end of the ep we see him again as Carl is shown to be back at the gas station leaving some food behind for him with a note that says “sorry”. The guy can be

This is NOT a reverse scenario- you are altering the details to force fit your case:

“First it was “unprovoked” and now it’s “they acted far worse”. I believe this is called moving the goalposts.”