
well...henry got everyone killed like we always knew he would. at least he got himself killed in the process and his stupidity won’t be a threat to anyone any longer.

I thought Tara’s head was Rosita’s so when i came here and read it was tara...that was a punch in the gut. Tara was one of my favorites....Which leads

Yes, why would just the two of them, and Michonne very pregnant, go out after a psycho who kidnapped all the children? Stupid.

The Whisperers that discovered the kingdom don’t appear to be spying on the Lydia/Henry/Daryl crew. They were in a car being pulled by horses, but the Whisperers saw a wagon heading into the kingdom.

“Henry’s idiocy” set everything in motion, eh? That’s a twist, the stupid nonessential actions of some stupid kid sets the stage. It’s a shame nobody understands Tragedy, wherein essential and unavoidable actions set off chains of events that lead to doom.

Ok, yes. But in what world does Eugene think a 20' jump straight down with a zombie herd approaching is a safer play than saying “Hey, Rosita, can you come help me with the ladder?”

Is that really why Handlen was reassigned? I’ve been doing a rewatch from episode 1 onward and reading along with the AV Club reviews. He’s a good reviewer, but it is refreshing to get a different perspective. He was the king of backhanded compliments, even when he liked something (i.e. “...which qualifies as

it’s just weird. I got plenty of complaints about the show too, but you can legit see this dude hates the show... and that makes it an odd choice for him to cover it. And he writes like an angst-filled teen. It’s not even good. Rob Bricken over at io9 gives plenty of criticism tonight, yet the difference in writing

and then invites them all to take up residence at an unnamed safe location to which she’ll lead them. (Is anyone expecting it be be somewhere besides Hilltop?)

Bigger question- the guy who swatted away the kid to drink more water and took swings at Darryl- why in the world was he put in charge of the 2nd siren?

Guys, I have a great idea for how we can redirect the herd once we set off the explosives. Let’s set up a siren that draws the herd toward all the bridge workers and then — at the last second — have another siren that will have the herd turn and barely miss them. Oh, and make sure nobody checks in with the second

Can we talk about how the Molotov cocktails exploded like grenades? That was hilarious.

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: The End Isn’t Really the End Because this Is The Walking Dead Season Finale Edition:

I think your recommendation is bogus. I agree people should buy based on what works for their diet and budget, but the dirty dozen has its merits. This article does a great job at pointing out the USDA’s failure to monitor organic produce’s residual pesticides, but does not talk about the effects of synthetic

He had that very convincing speech about it really being the Saviors fault if you think about it because grarblegarblerobblerobbleZzzzzzzzzzz...

Just another example of bad story telling. He could have been doing something, anything to try to convince them besides sitting there on the off chance that they appear and he can say, “You really should join us!”

To be honest I haven’t really watched since mid season but, what’s the logic of needing the Oceanside crew again? Warm bodies? They still don’t have any weapons right?

That whole subplot is incredibly dumb. Oceanside has no reason to help them and every meeting with Rick’s group has cost them dearly.

In that case, she’s lucky that the writers decided her idea of hiding the other guy’s body literally didn’t come back to bite her in the ass.

“I hope the new show-runner does a better job.” She co-wrote this utter piece of trash. I’m a young screenwriter trying to get a foot in the industry and this show is endlessly frustrating — I know how much these writer’s get paid to write this garbage when so many like myself would love the chance to write for a