
What do you get when you multiply 6 times 9? 42!

Muslims: The president has absolute authority over immigration, and he can suspend immigration at will.

Those today who claim that football will always be king are the people who couldn’t imagine a world where the most famous sport wasn’t boxing. Where are they now?

“Protecting the shield” isn’t merely a laughably ironic phrase to those with actual power

You can ask that, yes.

I hear you and thank you for putting the thought in that you do. I feel far too many white people don’t even try to find empathy in these situations because they feel removed and safe from consequences so they don’t have to give it serious thought. They just don’t believe these things are real and that black people

Not gonna pull that idiot that replied to you out of the grays, but this is what he said.

Truth bomb. I’ll add: you will never meet a black man in america who doesn’t have a cop story. That’s how pervasive it is. And the vast majority survive, and far too many do not.

Guys, Albert Breer is “stunned” by this. Stunned I tells ya!

Nope nothing to see here. Just categorize the protests as anti-american wrap it in the flag, and it all goes away.

Can I ask how you decided August 26th was a month ago?

Which month are we talking about? Julian Day, is that you?

“On Saturday, August 26, 2017"

A month? That fight was a week ago, dumbass.

“It was because his wife sent a bad tweet”

Some people can’t even accept that we had a rather successful black president.

It shouldn’t be all that surprising (but I’m sure it is anyway) that a majority of black and brown men have a similar story or stories to share. Doesn’t matter how much $$ we have, how educated we are, what we’re actually doing, what we’re wearing, the time of day, where we are, etc. upon fuckin etc...

Fortunately soon the cops will have a rocket launcher to point at you when they say this.

I’m so thankful that these guys are now being given all our excess military equipment that we don’t sell to Israel or the Saudi royal family. LVPD really needs the F-35 fighter jet.