
“to help as many people as we can stay dry and safe”

That statement conflicts with an action that results in culling your user base. 

By the time your body “communicates” that it has cancer, you’re basically dying. What a fucking idiot.

That idiots insta got deleted and she is also against pap smear.

They only gave him one round of the childhood shot and a booster shot used to prevent/treat tetanus in someone not properly vaccinated. But the full schedule that protects us for years as kids is actually five shots in total, over a five year span. So that is what they chose to not get.

So this place is so odious that you took time out of your busy masturbating schedule to make up a burner in order to talk shit here to people who aren’t thinking about your dumb ass. And you think you’re superior? Get the fuck out here! You’d need a cerebral boost to get to sub-room temperature IQ. You need an

The same police department where white supremacists felt free to assault a Black man across the street from it can’t be arsed to look into white supremacist graffiti?

Zeta Phi Beta International President, Valerie Hollingsworth Baker, says she doesn’t understand why Charlottesville police aren’t investigating the racist vandalism, considering UVA’s history and the spike in hate crimes across the country.

“It’s all the same!” says the definitely white man.

stop with the hate.

you see no big changes in the country. it’s all the same, stop with the hate.

How are there still people like you?

No, that’s the wrong take.

Its the exact same justification. Cheat a little, we all do it is how Trump justifies his low golf scores, and his charities, and his universities, etc. Its the fuck others cause they will fuck me’ mentality that leads to things like the fraud that we have as president.

Now playing

I know it’s a tired exercise at this point but bear with me...

Whereas you have met all those thousands of people and know their heart of hearts, I suppose? Or are you making the same sort of assumption I am, but it’s ok because you’re being nice?

Who does go out on New Year’s Eve?

there is an expression you often see on T-shirts and bumpers stickers that goes more or less like this: “Jesus Said It. I Believe It. That Settles It.”

Trump and a lot of the people in his thrall are, it seems safe to say, gone. They will continue walk among us—Trump will be in a golf cart—but they will never come back. They are somewhere else. There is nothing they are not prepared to believe if the right people say it; they will choose the right lie over any truth

Literally this dude is a big dumb idiot that shits on everything he wants and fucks everything he can get his hands on, and has always been given a pass because he was a rich white dude. That is THE DREAM for his base. They all want to be him, desperately, and they’re happy to see him shit on and fuck everything in

Trump is the embodiment of the American Dream for a depressing number of people in this country. It’s not so much the money or power, but having enough of it that it can allow you to say an infinite number of stupid things without threat to your status or livelihood.