
It’s not shameless hypocrisy. Republicans do bad things for bad reasons that have good results for them. Democrats do good things for good reasons that have good results for Democrats. No shame in that game. Keeping America white and restricting people’s civil rights are not value-neutral electoral game strategies for

Your argument is idiotic. Was the country on board when the Irish came? The Italians? No. I guess we should have asked every xenophobic native real-American if they were OK with it when the latest immigrant group showed up.

Lol whaaaat??? So you are saying that the problem is that lots of people are racist and that we should acknowledge the feelings of racists. I know that isn’t what you are saying.

all human societies have limits on how many newcomers they can deal with at once

Why should people who have never set foot in country X since they were 2 years old have to leave the country they have lived in for decades in order to get in line for citizenship?

DACA is LITERALLY only about the kids.

What does the reason the Democratic Party supports DACA have to do with this though? Every political party does what they do to get votes. The problem is that 1 party is doing something that most people find reprehensible and immoral to get the votes, while the other is not.

Ok, then I’ll get to a deeper question: What is defensible about our current immigration process? You seem to believe that abiding by the legal immigration process should be paramount, all other things being equal. Why?

Is it really a sin to bring your child (and yourself) to a better life?

True, but it feels nice to be on the side of attempts at manipulation not founded in malicious sociopathy and eugenic nativism.

What’s the difference?


The one thing that is different is that their parents had a choice. The children didn’t. Even if everything else is true, that difference matters.

Since you’re just pulling out of your ass so will I, most catholics hispanics vote conservative, so no you’re assumption is dead fucking wrong. But a douche like you knows that and enjoys making shit up. 

You’re building a straw man argument. We are only talking about DACA recipients not their parents or the people at the border now.

The difference is DACA young people have been here YEARS and are employed/going to school here paying taxes and everything else vs being shooed away at the front door instantly. I’m not sure how you don’t see the difference there. It’s not our fault they are here but it isn’t their’s either. The difference is we made

Because if they were intercepted at the border, they would not have already built a life and integrated into the economy HERE?

Or it could be that punishing children for the sins of their parents is morally reprehensible and unjustifiable.

Actually, the Republican Party’s base is better off with extremely cheap migrant workers than the Democrat Party ever could be with an increased voting base.

Immigrants can’t vote until they’ve been naturalized, which is not an overnight process. Limiting the vote via voter suppression, gerrymandering, and other tactics has a much shorter effective time frame. There’s also a substantial body of research that indicates that the immigration actually has a lot of benefits