I’m picturing heads of state walking into a conference room with him lying on his side, open shirted, like that Jeff Goldblum shot in Jurassic Park.
I’m picturing heads of state walking into a conference room with him lying on his side, open shirted, like that Jeff Goldblum shot in Jurassic Park.
Vaginas DO rock, thank you for mentioning it... that what was you meant, right?
For some reason I am reminded of the phrase "reality based community" being used like a pejorative, I wonder why.
Yeah right, like Trump would ever compare himself to some loser Mexican.
You can’t see me
He and BoJo really are cut from the same cloth, down to pretending like Ireland isn't it's own country.
Selfish, short sighted, manbrat-oaf does his usual thing.
He looks so dreadfully unwell, which is still too well for my liking.
Not noted here is that SpaceX already caused a 100 Acre Wildfire (not as whimsical as the similarly named Woods).
He does his best to demonstrate that he loves the poorly educated every day, in a "charity begins at home" sort of way.
that’s not where dildos are supposed to go
Is he trying to out-alpha the photographer? The camera itself?
Draco ended up against Voldemort though. Even the villains of children’s books have more depth than Trump does.
Oh knock it off, there’s nothing wrong with her body or with a woman wearing Spanx. There is, however, something really weird and inappropriate about her choice of dress in pretty much any and all situations. That dress is not suitable for the fanciest business meeting in the world (which is what i think the G7 is).
Oh knock it off, there’s nothing wrong with her body or with a woman wearing Spanx. There is, however, something really weird and inappropriate about her choice of dress in pretty much any and all situations. That dress is not suitable for the fanciest business meeting in the world (which is what i think the G7 is).
Lesbians aren’t really women, uh, sorry “female”.
I’m not sure how much learning can be done in 90+ degrees farenheit.
There are plenty of people complaining about ads that feature plus size women and women of color, like by somehow including a range of people who wear clothing thin white blondes are being discriminated against.
DVD sets existedback in those dark days, friend skeptic.