
To be fair, there were a lot of jokes at expense of the man who accidentally shot himself in the head after threatening to shoot his wife's dog. But I get your point, a man stabbing a woman in the chest would be considered a monster, not just a sad and ridiculous person.

Not to mention, I have yet to find a better cure for insomnia. Just have a great orgasm and force yourself to roll over immediately after and you'll be asleep in no time.

ETA: Oh! And when writing a paper (I am working on a PhD), I always masturbate between drafts to clear my head so I can do another round of editing.

This! It pretty much makes every situation better. I find it helpful before going to work in the morning.

I have a huge list of things I like to masturbate before partaking in, including but not limited to: job interviews, flights, big presentations, exams, first dates, holiday parties, and any long car ride. But I also like to masturbate for any old reason, like "I am nude and my vagina is there and I have 10 minutes to

Glad the mother was horrified instead of making some cliched remark about boys being boys or just kidding. Or turned into scary momma bear and how dare someone call out her snowflake.

My friend was sexually assaulted at a college party one night, so her boyfriend found the guy's home phone number and called his mother in the middle of dinner to tell him what he had done.

You had never seen a person repent so fast before.

I replied to the wrong thread, sorry. But my Ew still stands because just looking at Richardson makes me cringe.

He can't.

I'm not going to try and claim whatever trauma this has created is bullshit, but if the rules were "you can do anything you want with him", I can't see how he would have any legal grounds to seek punishment. If I had a group of people show up and told them to do anything they wanted to/with me, and one of them did

There was no presumption that no-one would harm him. He literally provided participants with a whip and pliers as two of the six or so objects they were offered to use on him. Plus, he based his piece on Abramovic's work in which she was harmed.

He can't press charges because calling this "rape" is a joke. LaBeouf could have said "no", gotten up, ended his performance art piece at any time. It was clearly stated to those entering the performance that LaBeouf could end it at any time. It was only "rape" in the sense that a rape scene in a play or a movie (or

Legally, I don't think it's rape. The consent was "do whatever you want to me", and it doesn't appear he withdrew that consent verbally or nonverbally (he may have, and just left that part out). Unless there was a disclaimer regarding removing clothing and performing sexual acts. Other people are equating it to

Maybe he was shocked and didn't quite understand what was happening or how to stop it without seeming like an overreaction from the people outside. Maybe it took him time to realize how terrible that was and how much it had affected him. I really hope he is taken seriously and his experience takes us (public, media)

Marina Abramović very famously did this, via wikipedia:

OK, this art was that people could come into the room and do whatever they wanted with him. So, that sounds like a CSI Las Vegas plotline (it would be a fetish party of course) to me. I don't get art, especially performance art, so maybe I'm just ignorant of this world, that's actually a thing people do?

For fuck's sake. People should want to kill performance artists, not rape them. This whole story makes about as much fucking sense as a Japanese toilet.

I could write this comment now or hours later and I think all I would have to write is:

I bought the same turkey last year. I expected the same thing. *shrug* The thing is that it shouldn't be a big deal to deal with if you buy it pre roasted and chilled.