Gwyneth Montenegro is the author of 10,000 Men and Counting a harrowing account of one woman's sexual escapades…
Gwyneth Montenegro is the author of 10,000 Men and Counting a harrowing account of one woman's sexual escapades…
On Monday, Bill Cosby resigned from Temple University's board of trustees, a spot he's held for 32 years, amid…
Agreed, characteristically a public knockout isn't how domestic violence begins, but I think her words also beg the question of when do we believe the woman in these situations? What is the truth?
Hitting and shoving is abusive. It doesn't have to take hospital trips to be abusive. It doesn't have to take any physical contact at all to be abusive.
I was in a mutually abusive relationship- that is, I hit my husband, he would shove me away, we both called each other names.
I just want to say that I very much appreciate your comment! It brings some clarity to a complex situation.
uh greed.
This just makes it abundantly clear to me that there's a lack of knowledge in general about domestic violence. They ask her if he's ever been violent with her before, and she says no - that may or may not be true. That's not for us to decide. But what about all the rest of it? The controlling, the gaslighting, the…
I want to scream at the mother. She yelled at him for leaving Janay alone in the elevator/walking out back and forth?! Like that's the fucking issue here?! How about the fact that her son-in-law knocked her daughter unconscious!
I'm kinda struggling to understand how one goes from completely nonviolent straight to outright KOing your wife.
Nellie had it coming.
"They don't mean any harm! Just accept it as a compliment!"
I am at a loss for words. How horrible. I'm glad they at least found the douche who did the crime.
Women can't win. If we stay silent about our harassment/abuse, people will blame us for not saying anything. If we DON'T stay silent, we're still condemned or worse, killed. When are people finally going to understand that WE are not responsible for the actions of men? This man was so insulted that a woman would…
It reminds me of the guy who stood up for the woman being harassed at the bar and then was stabbed. That story was here a few months ago.
It is horrible because she did the right thing. She stood up for those girls and one of those guys had to "put her in her place."
When someone quits at my job, there's usually cake at least
He doesn't even have to bother with a resume for his next gig, piping in as a "law enforcement" consultant on a panel for Fox News.