
It's just society's way of further blaming the women. Sorry you have to deal with that.

True I heard that but there were 3 victims so maybe they referenced another?

lol trying too hard

Good for these girls. Standing up for yourself in this situation sounds way too hard for most. And shame on that school - they should all be for putting students at risk and enabling serial rapists.

It doesn't matter if he punched the cop, that does not justify killing him. - from someone who probably pays more taxes than you, just guessing.

and lower class and women, in this city

Because we pay taxes and it is UNACCEPTABLE for a cop to shoot an unarmed man! Even if the officer had a black eye and bloody nose and looked F'd up (which he does not from these pics) the kid was unarmed. That does not justify killing a citizen.

I think the title of the article title is misleading and led to alot of confusing comments. It suggests that it is from a state of unity of why people are mad about the shooting but just talks about a black woman's feelings and the racist attitudes is a turn off which makes the author seem less valid to readers. It

I haven't read all of your comments but I do think you spent too much defending yourself for being white to a bunch of racist people, which I think took away from your original point, which I have lost at this point. My take-away: I think everyone I know (and I am not breaking down race here because I said everyone

you sounds like a fool. please do not claim to speak for white people or any people. speak for yourself.

Dr. Munks Stop putting words into the mouth of a white person. Besides sounds stupid you sounds like an idiot. And no thanks on the "education" I think that is covered.

This is white guilt propaganda and it solves nothing. It also doesn't address class which can, depending on the topic, jump race. And, finally, just because people are not racist does not mean they don't understand what slavery has done to our current state of being.

I am sorry you and your sister have to deal with racist assholes. I still have hope that people will overcome racism and accepts diversity and try to move forward to create solutions.

If you are racist that is. If you view you and humanity as one it is a human issue. People need to travel and meet non-racist people, people of all colors, biracial people. I pay taxes, it is simply unacceptable that a any police officer shot any human, specifically in the referenced cases they are black males

Thanks for writing this. It was the first response that addressed alienating everyone who is really mad about the shooting of Mike Brown. I also writing as if you represent your entire race isn't useful in any article and discredits the author.

Okay how was she awful, it was only a few seconds and not enough time to tell.

We should also be teaching people to grow there own food at least some culinary herbs or sprouts to supplement their diets. People are so disconnected to where food comes from and even from the fact that we are animals. Lets reconnect.

Cats do rule the world. These pics are aMAZing!!!

BEST comment today.

I like masturbating. Tiptoe through the two lips was the BEST COMMENT so far. "Jerking off" works, petting the cat doesn't really do it for me.